I want it. Does it exist? Surely, I'm capable of it :). I can be devoted; my heart is big enough to carry it all. But I've yet to meet my match. I'm hopeful that he exists.
Romeo and Juliet were on some other shit, though. Maybe they were too naive to know any better. To die for? Really? I can't imagine a heart so broken. Although, a childhood friend of mines allegedly killed himself over a break-up.
Is it that complex, true love? Or just that simple? I've loved... deeply, wholly... but the pain of it ending wasn't enough for suicide to cross my mind. I wonder if it gets better or if that was as good as it gets. I'm thinking the former. I'm currently holding out for that.
So while I dig the idea of love and am quite capable of loving until the ends of the earth (I'm sure. I think), perhaps moderation is what's best. Love me truly and deeply and I'll return the favor. But we don't have to shack up...or do everything together. I don't need an extra limb. I'm having awful thoughts of newlyweds who grocery shop together, arm in arm, who can't stand being apart. Perhaps that's obsession, co-dependence, can't-live-without-you. ...Hmm...if that's it, maybe I don't want true love, after all. lol. Maybe all I want is a whole bunch of passion. That is, until I figure all this shit out.
Weeee!!!! cest la vie
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