I have become obsessed with Dhani Jones, poet, athlete, entrepreneur, renaissance man extraordinaire:
Last week, I had three very sweet dreams starring him (and me, of course) that have rekindled a hot white flame within me. Thanks to Dhani, my cold, cold loins are thawing out and becoming tender again, lol. So, either I meet this man soon, or his doppelganger, or all hell is going to break lose...somewhere. Watch out ;).
Look at that smile, those eyes...! Bestill my heart, he's so handsome. And he's intelligent, too kids! Confident and strong (body&mind), and on the travel channel weekly, tackling the globe. If this isn't a reason to get cable, I don't know what is. There's an ep with him in Thailand and he's learning muay thai kickboxing...shirtless, muscKles flexing, lips parted...dios mio. I'm parched just thinking about it. My crush intensifies every time I see him.
This is all big shit I'm talking, of course. Were we ever to meet, I'm 60% certain I'd be too stuck on stupid to make him fall head over heels in love with me and whisk me off around the world with him. Knowing this makes me sigh...but I look forward to going to sleep every night these days, hoping he'll show up in my dreams again. Until tonight, mi amor! muah!
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