Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, and another week begins...

The pics and video from the concert have been uploaded. I apologize for the shaky video; people kept standing up and needing to get past me right when I started taping. So if you watch, please pardon my all-over-the-place-ness. It was not my intent.
I've been listening to Esperanza since Sunday and her cd has put me in a fabulous mood. My two standout favorites are "Precious" and "Fall in", two incredibly beautiful songs. The entire cd is that way, though - uncut bliss, heaven to your ear drums. Listening to her voice, my mind is clear and open, I feel light as air. Like I know the grand scheme of things, lol...and it makes me no nevermind. *smiles
"Adore You" is playing now, and even without real words, it is spectacular. I implore you to buy her cd if you haven't already and you kind of dig jazz even a little bit. There's something on it for everyone.


rashad said...

My jealousy of you continues..

trE said...

I will definitely take your word for it as I've heard good things about her from several people. As soon as I get the extra $$$, I'll be hollering at that CD, missy... *nods* Glad you're enjoying it and being put in a glorious mood.

Me said...

don't be jelly. my life is only exciting in spurts. most of the time, i'm sitting still or walking ;).