Thursday, December 17, 2009

Few Things

- I want a wedding like Essence Atkins. Simple and original and without too much fuss and beautiful. She didn't have a bridal party or a traditional cake. And she walked herself down the aisle. It was just about her and Jaime. Simply delightful :)

- My mother is trying to bully me into buying her a Christmas gift. I have told her more than once that I'm not buying anybody any gifts this year and I don't want anyone to buy me anything. But every day she's coming with the "I know what you can get me'"s
Ugh. How is she just going to ignore my stance!?

- I have been seriously neglecting myself. My health, my hair, my house, my social life, my bills...all in the name of one Prof. Jimenez y West, and I am resentful. I have so much to do that I stress every night before finally fallinng asleep and then the anxiety is so much that I end up waking up earlier than usual and fretting about things.

- In a mad dash to try to pay some bills I found some stamps on my desk, filled out the paper bills, wrote checks and then raced to the mailbox to drop them in. Then I learned that postage has gone up 3 cents since I bought those stamps. :( I haven't run errands since before Thanksgiving. I just bought groceries last Sunday. This sucks. I'm hoping the post office gives me a break and sends the bills through but I doubt it. I'm expecting to have them returned to me any day now. And then I'll have to pay late fees. :(

- It's frickin 6:28am. I've been on the computer trying to pay my remaining bills electronically since 5:30am. My credit union is retarded and has locked me out of my account because I was "too slow" in siging in. WTF? I didn't do anything with my hair last night so it's a hot ass mess, all over my head right now. I don't want to go to work because I'm pms'ing and yesterday everyone was getting on my nerves and everything was going awry and I was frustrated and embarrassed and unintentionally mean. Now I have to go back there and show my face again :(
I'd rather crawl under a rock, frankly. There have to be drugs for this sort of thing.

- *Sigh

- Hawaii in a few days. *exhale


rashad said...

Focus on that last sentence buddy. I know i'm fixated on it now, and I'm jealous

Anonymous said...

Have a Merry Christmas in Hawaii! Hope this break helps you unwind. Good luck on your trip and have TONS of fun!

Take Care,