Thursday, December 30, 2010
Today's ramble
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Mon petit château
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Be careful what you wish for
Sunday, December 26, 2010
It started off promising...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My ex invited me to his family's holiday gathering
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday's Musings - money, money, money
I’m all about wise money management and trying to learn as much as I can about making my money work for me. When I’m shopping, I calculate how many hours of work I’ll have to put in, in order to buy an item. If you read this blog every blue moon, you might recall the time I posted about my friend buying a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes and how I equated that to roughly the amount someone would spend on rent or a mortgage payment. I do this with many of the things I buy and try to stay within my budget, which is stored to memory and typed out in a simple excel spreadsheet on my computer at home. You don’t have to be a math wiz to be fiscally fit – I damn sure am not. All you need are basic math skills and a decent memory to stay on your game and keep your head above water and your overhead low. Part of my day-to-day budgeting consists of packing a lunch and a few afternoon snacks taken from my own kitchen. I’ve dwindled my debt considerably over the past 5 years (25g’s down to 6 in 5 years, then I fell off the wagon a few times. Otherwise I’d probably be debt free by now).
I’m highly focused on debt reduction because early retirement and working for myself are so very exciting to me. I’ve wanted to work for myself since grade school (as previously blogged). It’s just been a bit of a struggle letting go of my money woes and fears. I find myself worrying so much about potential “rainy days” and being able to make ends meet, that I sometimes can’t focus on developing a business plan. I tell myself that if I had financial security, I could focus on other things. It’s a never ending cycle. But it’s not completely lost on me that I’ll never make money if I’m constantly worried about it. I think I’m a little afraid of being completely responsible for my own well-being. Sounds nuts, I know. And I do recognize that working for someone else is an extremely false sense of security, and that I am more vulnerable as an employee than I would be if I was the boss. However, being a cog in the wheel doesn’t seem to be as much work as being in charge of the whole wheel. Or so I’d like to think since I’m sort of a yellow-belly J. Okay, I’m making excuses, but at least I recognize it! And I’m trying to convince myself to change with this blog entry, lol. Soon, I will be brave enough to face these irrational fears, get off my bum and do something extraordinary, or, at the very least, make myself proud. I’ve begun to draft my business plan. But until I am brave enough to take it from paper to reality, from dream to fruition… I will continue to build a safety net full of money in case I fail. I mean fall J
Being creative and in charge is definitely something that excites me.
It’s quite time for me to move on, though; find another love, find another way to earn a living, address what I believe is my calling, while improving my life and spirit and income. Success is part luck, part hard work. Wish me luck, por favor.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Salvaged Goods and Christmas Eve Sleepover
I found a fantastic little thrift store near my house but its proprietor talks to much (did I post this before? no matter...). It’s a funky little house (not in odor but in style) with “junk”, or as I like to call it “abandoned treasure” in the front yard and neat old and/or unusual stuff in doors. I was so excited when I walked inside, ready to patiently sift through all the goodies, when out walks this pretty, older, Afro-Brazilian lady and her mouth. I don’t know how she thought I was supposed to hold a lengthy conversation with her and shop while not being rude. I wanted to be left alone to peruse and spend my money on something I may later regret and can’t return. But no, she talked to me about every thing under the blazing sun and then some. And then she blatantly talked herself out of a sale when she mentioned how another customer had thought the price she was selling a picnic basket for was way too high. Before hearing that, I was about to buy said picnic basket. After hearing that, I questioned whether or not the price was too high and put the basket back down. Eventually, I got tired of her following me around with her gibberish. I needed to think, weigh the pros and cons before handing over my hard earned cash. Things like “do I need this?” “Do I want this?” “Where will I put this?” “Is this worth the asking price?” “Would someone want this as a gift?” “Can I find this elsewhere?” “Will I regret this purchase in a day or so?” all needed to be thought out and answered in my head. But I was distracted by her jibber-jabber, so I left. I wonder how she ever makes a sale with that mouth of hers. Too bad, she has some great finds in there.
I plan to go thrifting in
Christmas Eve Sleepover
So it looks like I will be having a small Christmas gathering at my house on the 24th. Here’s how it came about: My mother has this uncanny ability to stress me the hell out over nonsense and before I realize its nonsense, I’ve done something I regret and my day/night/mood is ruined. Last night she called me in a panic, quivery voice and all, saying that my 18 year old nephew had walked to her house in the pouring rain after his wretched witch of a mother who hates him, walked into his bedroom and socked him as hard as she could in the chest. Mom claims his ribs are broken and he has no way to get to the hospital. Of course, I am flooded with panic. She’s putting all this responsibility on me to help him because she can’t. And I’m thinking, how the hell am I going to make it all the way down to
Sunday, December 19, 2010
This Christmas I am not going broke
That would be incredibly foolish. I am buying a handful of gifts, only for those who I actually see on Christmas day. Christmas isn't about the gifts, anyway. It’s about time spent, love, appreciation, and joy. Not money or material things. It took me all these years to realize thatand it wasn't without some struggle, unfortunately. I used to get so frustrated around this time of year, trying to get folks to act right, trying to please everyone and satisfy their impossible expectations of me. Ugh. I used to half-way joke around, saying “I’m not John D. Rockefeller!” but really I’m not. And I’m certainly showing it this year (as I did last year when I split and went to Hawaii). I’m finally almost out of debt and I didn't come this far just to muck it all up over a bunch of meaningless gifts that won’t be appreciated anyway. I don’t expect to see but two family members aside from my son on Christmas day, anyway, and they’re who I’m buying for. Oh, and the baby, of course, but I’m taking her gift to her. She’s still innocent.
My Christmas will be peaceful. My mom and step dad will come over on Christmas Eve to spend the night. We’ll stay up watching movies with blankets while eating sweets and drinking cocoa. I will cook a big breakfast on Christmas morning, get dressed, open presents, and then relax until my folks leave for the casino (yes, my mother goes gambling every year after she drives around to people’s houses playing Santa Claus). Later that night, I’ll fix dinner and plan/prepare for the New Year while my son is away with his dad. I usually write my ‘Power of Intention’ list around my birthday in January but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to start it a little earlier this year, here’s a loose list of what I’m planning for 2011:
· Travel to
· Get my groove back
· Write a business plan
· Continue my labor of love so that I can finally birth this elephant by 2013 (can’t go into details, don’t want to jinx it)
· Paint my kitchen cabinets and/or remodel it, if I can afford to
· Mark at least 3 items off my bucket list
· Volunteer, donate, recycle, pay it forward
· Shoot for the stars
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I hate bikini underwear.
They are never, ever practical. Every time the phrase “panty line” is uttered, you should already know that the culprit is wearing a pair of bikini undies, or granny panties. No matter what you’re wearing, be it a skirt, dress or pants. But the alternative, decent boy short’s, are a bitch to find. If they’re made out of lycra/spandex, which tends to stay put well and that’s all you really want - coverage, but if they don’t have a cotton crotch, forget it. You’ll hate your gynecologist even more than you already do. You’ll want to press charges and see him/her in jail. It’s not worth the aggravation, trust me. Plus, if you have even the slightest bit of junk in your derriere, bikini’s will creep up into the crack. They don’t stay put like good ole boy shorts do. So you’ll be digging them out throughout your day. And don’t even get me started on thong underwear. Ugh. Suffice it to say, thongs are the devil, Satan himself wedged in betwixt your ass cheeks, wreaking havoc on your vajayjay.
They really ought to quit making thong and bikini undies, in my opinion. But too many women are creatures of habit, even with things (like sanitary napkins and nylon stockings) that don’t work. We just prance around in our high heel shoes enduring the pain and discomfort without demanding change. They burned bras in the 60s for all the wrong reasons, really. We ought to burn bikini drawls and granny panties, this decade. And what kind of drawls do I have on today? Mm hm, that’s what prompted this post. I need to do laundry.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Holy Mother of God

Okay, I know I said that my next trip after San Fran in January would be to Positano but something has come up. My friend has invited me to go with her to
More than 2 million people make the voyage…During August 2nd, the streets and roads of
The idea consists of making a sacrifice (walking the long pilgramige) and making a promise to the Virgen of Los Ángeles.
She has family there and speaks fluent Spanish, so I’m not concerned about my measly two years of high school Spanish making me a potential victim of any sort of crime. AND we’ll have native tour guides to show us around for free. What’s topping that? This also means that I could remove an item from my Bucket List – zip lining through the Costa Rican jungle! And the religious event itself, I imagine, will be magnificent. I plan to participate, if I can, and crawl into the church after the long walk with everyone else. I’m pretty excited about this.
Monday, December 13, 2010
I need romance. I want to feel love and receive affection. Much more than sex, I want the butterflies, the longing, and the special treatment a man gives a woman he likes and is actively pursuing. I miss that terribly. On my way to work this morning I reminisced about the guys I dated who gave me all of that cutesy stuff – the damsel in distress treatment when my bike had a flat (lol), or a tire needed changing (sigh), the kisses in the middle of traffic (he was the best), the poems, the songs/raps to serenade me with, the hand-made, rubber stamped get-well cards, the tulips and roses and kissing fish and joint video game playing, etc. Anyway, it’s been a while since I had butterflies L I think the last time was 3 or 4 years ago. I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever feel them again. Maybe I’m too old for all that chivalry stuff now. I’m hoping it’s just that I don’t get out enough. It’s about to get cold outside (for
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I've procrastinated all week
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Have you ever looked at a picture of someone and tried to imagine who they really are? Not who they appear to be or pretend to be but who they are when no one is looking. Look at these two pictures of Marilyn Monroe and how different she appears in each one.
The original blonde bombshell, sex goddess was once a telephone operated with dark brown hair and buttoned up blouses. She became larger than life in such a short period of time and the pressure of it all became her demise before she reached the age of 40. But the publics’ fascination with her may never cease.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Operation was a failure
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Giving to the needy
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
This Sunday's Musings - My Big Break
There was once a time when I wanted to be a contestant on The Wheel of Fortune. This was shortly after I had given birth to my son and began to consume large amounts of television programming as a hobby, since I was pretty much confined to the house with no sitter and nowhere to go. Every day I’d watch Pat and Vanna from my rocking chair and one day I figured I’d had the game down to a science, even how to spin the rigged wheel just right so as not to go bankrupt. I called down to channel 7 and was told that in order to become a contestant I would have to call back early in the morning on the first day of every month until they had enough contestants for the month. For about 4 months I did this, lol, never getting past a busy signal for hours. It’s funny to me now that I actually did this and was so hopeful about it and was trying so hard. I really wanted to be on that show. I thought it would be my big break. At the time, I couldn’t see or conceive of a better way to improve my life. I was trying to ice skate up hill, lol. These days I appreciate what time has given and taught me.
I’ve always had sort of a pioneering spirit. I inherited that from my mother and my grandmothers. I blogged once before about my paternal grandmother literally saving up pennies in order to buy her first home. How’s that for determination!? When I was in elementary school my neighbor and I tried our hand at a lemonade stand, like the white kids did on T.V. Turns out that folks don’t buy much lemonade in the inner city. Then in high school I sold candy bars that I was given as payment for volunteering for an organization. I made enough money to buy myself a couple of Esprit outfits and a book bag from TJ Maxx. Nobody could tell me jack! Haha. In eleventh grade, my English teacher asked me to join a young entrepreneur’s summer program at USC, but that same year I had landed a cool job selling merchandise at
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Lazy Sunday
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Last Years Adventure to Walmart on Black Friday for a Hachi-Tachi-5000
So moms and Step-pops were the first ones to make it into the store and only spent 100 dollars more than they'd wanted to spend. But they got their BIG ASS TV, the intended prize in all of this. Black Friday is like a sport, and I think the thrill is more in who can last the longest outside in the muck and end up saving the most. I stayed out of the streets until 6pm that evening, when I was sure most of the die hards were fast asleep at home, and I still won when I walked into Ann Taylor and found the blue dress that I had been drooling over for months on sale for $30, down from $120 :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Happy Labor (anniversary) Day to me!
It’s been a whole year already! This coming Friday my offspring, the fruit of my loins, my beautiful progeny will be turning 16 years old. Wow, how time flies! This year we’re having a simple slumber party with Red Velvet cake from Auntie Em’s Bakery and a 28 inch Giant Pizza from Two Guys. The plan is for all six teenaged boys to come over on Friday and spend most of the evening camped out in my living room with their sleeping bags, pillows and blankets while playing video games on the big TV. I’ll bake cookies (I bought a big tub of cookie dough from Costco the other day) and provide goodies and keep them from getting too unruly. We’ll eat the ginormous pizza, sing Happy Birthday, eat cake and stay up late. Then, on Saturday I’ll make a big breakfast before carting them off to the mall for a movie and to hang out. I think I’ll go see “For Colored Girls” while I’m there.
This year, my “big baby Huey” is 6 feet and 1 inch tall, wears a size 12 shoe, has a teensy bit more facial hair than last year, weighs about 180 pounds and is quite fond of his muscles. The other night he said to my mom “The beach is that way, I got the mountains right here,” referring to his arm muscles (I never said he wasn’t corny).
And still, “Owen loves his mama” © Mama, in Throw Mama from the Train.
I can hardly believe that in two more years he’ll be a full grown man…and I will have been a mama for 18 years. Two years from now will also mark the beginning of my worldwide travels! J I will officially have no more major responsibilities keeping me rooted to one place! Yippeeee!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday night musings
Thursday, November 11, 2010
What’s on my Kameela-Ass-list (KAM)?
It’s funny how whenever I’ve come to the end of a relationship with a man I feel an incredible sense of freedom, the sun seems to be shining just a little bit brighter, I have an extra pep to my step, and the road ahead seems endless and ripe with discovery and opportunity. It’s an odd mixture of jubilation and sadness though. It’s always disappointing when something you tried to do doesn’t work out. But for the most part I’ve always welcomed being alone with myself again. With this recent breakup, however, the sun isn’t shining as bright. I enjoyed being a unit even when he got on my nerves. And I honestly tried with him but, at this point in my life, I know exactly when trying is futile. So the other day I sat and thought about what I want in a man. I’m sort of pessimistic and think that finding my “list” is going to take more work that I care to put in. Therefore I’m preparing myself to be alone. Here’s some of what I came up with:
- Must not smoke cigarettes, crack, marijuana, dope of any kind, legal or not. I might be willing to budge a little on the cigs and weed, as long as I can't smell it.
- No alcoholics.
- Must be at least 5’6 inches tall
- Cannot be a control freak. I want a partner, not a boss.
- Cannot be overly traditional. I don’t want to be domestic servant.
- Must have integrity and be faithful
- Has to be family oriented and respectful of mines
- No ex-cons, regardless of the crime
- Must be hardworking and employable
- Must be relatively self-sufficient, considerate, and kind
- Cannot dress ghetto-fab, no socks with sandals, no track suits/linen suits/jumpsuits, no velour or velvet (unless it’s a very fashionable sports coat/blazer), nothing cheaply made, no knock off tennis shoes, no high-water pants, etc.
- No gold teeth or chemicals in the hair
- Cannot be a cheap skate
- Has to be in a position to pay for dinner/movies/most dates
- Has to be intelligent
- Has to be able to make me laugh and have a great sense of humor
- Must be down to earth, have confidence but not be a cocky-asshole
- Must be driven
Monday, November 8, 2010
me shooting me
It wasn't working out
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The trip is BOOKED!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
My favorite new appliance
With Grace (thinking aloud this morning)
On the side of my face, directly above my right temple, is a lone wispy gray strand. It reminds me that I’m 35 years old and it prods me to smile, relax and age gracefully; I’ve led a pretty good life. Every morning when I look in the mirror I see it and it helps me get on with my day, with my life. My guy friend comments on it from time to time, asking when I’m going to pluck it. I told him that I am not, and that I’m happy with it, I earned it. He doesn’t seem to understand. I’m not twenty-five anymore and haven’t been for a while now, I’ve accepted that and I’m satisfied with who I’ve become. I’ve wrapped up twenty-five and raised it with another ten years of living. And this little gray hair, along with all of the other things I’ve acquired over the years, is what I have to show for it. With the poker hand that I have now, I’m going all in, no bluffing. I’ll still continue to construct To-do lists for my life, as I can’t seem to break that habit, but I’m okay with that, too. I sometimes need to be reminded of what I’m doing here and what my motivation is. I remember when my 28th birthday was approaching and I went into a panic, taking stock of my then life and feeling like I hadn’t lived up to my own expectations and that it would be too late by the time I turned 30. Ha! As if 30 was the age of retirement to porch swings and crocheting, waiting patiently for death to stop by for lemonade. Imagine my surprise when 30 came and went and the only thing that changed was my values. Sure, I lost a few things, gradually, during the transition but I gained a lot too. I’d like to think that I am much wiser than I was, gray hair notwithstanding. I have more wealth and independence than before, and I’m no longer antsy over the future so much that I can’t enjoy the now. In my twenties, I spent so much time planning and writing a myriad of to-do lists, and focusing on where I was going rather than enjoying where I was. I can’t get that time back so I’m not going to waste any more.
I booked my flight to
It’s the most recent event that reminded me to stop waiting on other people to live my life, and on my terms. I’m planning my own long-overdue trip and inviting a handful of people that I know to come with me. Or rather, to meet me there since I’m not waiting on anyone, anymore. I’ve already booked my roundtrip flight and started planning my itinerary. Of course, I’ll be more than fine with doing things that whoever accompanies me wants to do while we’re there, it’s only fair, but we’ll cross that bridge if we get to it. As for right now, I’m going to
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Looking for the exit row
The slightest infraction and I’m ready to jump out of the plane, mid flight. My guy friend has been staying over every weekend for months and this past Sunday I wanted to kick him out. Cohabitating is hard. Some mornings I’d rather not wake up to football on the television, or be asked, “what’s for breakfast?” because sometimes I’d rather just have a simple bowl of cereal and some HGTV. Some mornings I don’t want to get naked (some mornings). I’d like to wake up peacefully, get up, get dressed and go for a brisk walk, or a bike ride around my neighborhood, instead. And this past Sunday, at 5 o’clock, he asked me why I hadn’t started dinner and that’s when my eye started twitching. I wanted to relax and enjoy my Sunday, not get nagged about doing a chore. Who starts dinner at 5pm, anyway? I politely told him that I had planned to start dinner at 6:30 and that I’d like to enjoy my Sunday, just as he does, and he seemed to understand where I was coming from. But that put me off all day and, combined with something else that I won’t mention here, I’ve been slightly annoyed with him ever since. I cook dinner just about every night around the same time, on my time. I guess it sort of felt like he was trying to boss me around and if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s to be bossed around. Control freaks need not apply. He also asked me on Sunday why I didn’t want to sit with him and watch football and I explained to him that football just wasn’t interesting to me. He smirked and shook his head, saying that I’m the only person who doesn’t like football and that makes me an oddball.
“That is absurd,” I said. “I know plenty of people who don’t care much for football, and there is nothing wrong with any of us.” To each his/her own. I could say that since he doesn’t care much for literature that makes him an oddball but wasn’t in the mood for ridiculous arguments. I don’t understand why it is so difficult for him to accept that I’m not going to agree with everything he says or does or likes, that I’m not and won’t ever be a carbon copy of him…with a vagina. It seems to me that he is trying to make me into his perfect “Stepford Wife”. Everything to suit him and no appreciation for my differences, wants or needs. I’m ready to call it quits but I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or not. He has many other good qualities that I appreciate, but I don’t appreciate him trying to sneak his agenda in on me. A friend says that I should simply disagree with any and everything that I disagree with, don’t be accommodating if it’s at great expense to me and, if he doesn't like it, let him quit US. Its passive aggressive in a way but I like it J