Main Entry: dream, verb Definition: To experience dreams or daydreams. Synonyms: daydream, fantasize, woolgather Main Entry: ponder Part of Speech: verb Definition: To think or think about carefully and at length. Synonyms: chew on, cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think over, think through, turn over, weigh
So I’ve been riding my bike and trying my best not to look like a dork while doing so, although that has been kind of a challenge, lol. What, with my 8-ball helmet and all. I figure if I have to wear a helmet by
Every time I get ready to roll I have to spend a few minutes working on eliminating my smile because the mere thought of wearing that helmet makes me feel so goofy and self-conscious that I’m incredibly giggly. Then, when I get out there on the road, I realize that anyone I pass won’t recognize me elsewhere without it, and I don’t plan to wear the helmet unless I’m on the bike, so it’s okay. No one will know it’s me. Or, at least I tell myself that. And then I see the other dorks on the road wearing biker shorts and form fitting shirts with equally ridiculous protective gear, so that helps take some of the pressure off. When I bought the bike, and my friend laughed at me in the store after I tried on a couple of helmets, I had initially decided that I’d go riding sans head gear. Then that Monday I got to work and learned that my coworkers’ girlfriend had gotten hit by a car with an old man behind the wheel. She hit the pavement, her helmet cracked almost in half, and the old man had a panic attack and was rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, it was her $300 helmet that cracked and not her head, right? I remember that video they showed us in Drivers Ed of the motorcyclist who’s head literally cracked open, spilling his brains all over the road L. It was enough to send me right back to Sport Chalet for a little life insurance. My helmet was only $50 though, but as big as it is and with all the padding inside, I think I’ll be alright.
Anyway, while looking dorkish I am also saving my life, saving some gas money, thus saving a little bit of the environment, and getting some sunshine and a nice workout in the process. The pros definitely outweigh the cons.
For Mothers Day my Ex surprised me with a dozen roses and a home-cooked seafood dinner. I was so shocked, that I ran and got my camera and took about a dozen photos of my flowers and posted one on Facebook. Ha! I only recall ever receiving a single rose throughout our entire relationship together. (Some corny shit he thought was cool back in the day. I was just touched that he’d thought of me. Although, at the time I suspected he stole it from someone’s bouquet and figured he’d try to get some brownie points for having really done nothing at all.) And then after we broke up he bought me a mix of flowers that following year for Mother’s Day, which was just as nice as this years roses.
On the phone a couple of days prior to the rose surprise, while making plans to have him cook for me, he casually mentioned that he had never thought that he would wake up without me. His exact words. He went on to say that he knows he’s not perfect and that he made a bunch of mistakes throughout our relationship (amen) but even on his darkest days, when he was angry with me for leaving him and lashing out, he was really angry with himself. He never stopped loving me. I sat there and kind of did what they do on TV and stared off into the camera, you know? At that moment, I needed a witness. :)
Has he changed? Hmm, well, I’m not so sure. That still remains to be seen. Two bouquets of flowers, regular bible reading, and missing me isn’t hard enough proof, frankly. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m happy for him. He’s had an epiphany and that’s great, because he never believed me when I told him he was fucking up, lol. I’ve noticed small changes in him here and there but I don’t trust that his nature has completely changed, don't know if the person I could no longer live with is still within him. I’m not sure that I could ever live with him again but for now we are pretty good friends. Even better than before, and I couldn’t be happier about it. *Knock on wood
I make my bed every day, shower, cook, clean, run my errands. These are about the only things I feel in control of as I wait. And the waiting isn’t easy. I feel as if I’m going to bust, like I’m holding my breath waiting for the air to clear so that I can breathe again. So every morning I hop out of my bed and begin pulling the sheets taut again, neatly fluffing and arranging pillows, jotting down daily plans that can be achieved… as I wait for the signal that I can move out of limbo. I have another set of plans written down, the ones that I can begin once I get that green light to exhale, but I just stare at those, sigh, and pray that I don’t lose my mind in the meantime. It’s tough being here…especially when I could be somewhere else, somewhere much more to my liking. But my friend Patty believes that I have the “patience of a saint” so I’m trying to hold on, though I know my patience has long since worn thin.
This week has been somewhat of an adjustment for me, preparing for the next chapter. Last night sleeping wasn’t easy. I think I got about 6 hours in, but I usually get at least 8. And of those 6, 4 were probably REM. I really don’t know why I struggled last night. I think I’m just anxious and ready to get things rolling. I hope I can keep the tossing and turning down to a minimum tonight because I was operating on fumes today. Surprisingly, my productivity didn’t suffer though.
Even with my worries and perceived woes, I’m more stressed There than I am Here.
It has also been a bit of a struggle to adapt to some of the other changes I’ve made to my life. I’m finding myself stuck in between a past of semi-destructive behavior and a constructive future. Old habits are calling me but I’m determined to move forward. I’ve learned a lot about myself and those around me over the last two years. Up next: just being still.
Sorry, I can't really be detailed with this one.
My super fresh sneaks showed up yesterday and turned out to be not so fresh. Yes, I’m back to ordering stuff off the internet. I know, I never learn. But this time I ordered from a well known company with clearly defined return policies – Puma – so I’m doing better. I bought two pairs of shoes and waited impatiently for over a week to receive them. Yesterday when I got home I ripped open the box and realized that I only liked one pair in person, and not the other. However, the pair that I like isn’t true to size so I have to return it, reorder a bigger size and wait anxiously for the new pair to arrive. Ugh. This reminds me of the time I desperately wanted a pair of CBS sneakers in 4th grade. Only Leed’s sold them. Who’s old enough to remember Leed’s Shoe’s though!? lol
My older cousin, Chrissy had a couple of pairs of CBS’s and they were the cutest little sneakers in the world to me at that time. My mom took me to Leed’s on several occasions to get a pair but they never had my size in stock. In hindsight, I’m wondering what the heck was really going on.How could they never get my size in? I was heart broken for a good while over that and I think it’s partly the reason why I go nuts over shoes today. It’s all Mr. Leeds’ fault. I will never forget the Chinese boot incident, as much as I wish I could. But there was a happy ending to that story, thankfully.
Anyway, I’m only slightly leery that this will be a fruitless exercise. Puma has a better reputation than the Chinese bootleggers of getting the right goods to you without issue. And in any event, I still have Citi card on my side to work out any sudden kinks.
Here's the pair I like: