Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I love my brain :)

So I’ve been riding my bike and trying my best not to look like a dork while doing so, although that has been kind of a challenge, lol. What, with my 8-ball helmet and all. I figure if I have to wear a helmet by California law, I’d like to stand out from the rest and be a little creative with it, have a little flair. So rather than wearing one of those aerodynamic-looking dork helmets I opted for the rounded 8-ball to protect my brain (see link below) – equally dorky, yet somehow quite fashionableJ. And it matches my bell. You gotta coordinate © John Witherspoon

Every time I get ready to roll I have to spend a few minutes working on eliminating my smile because the mere thought of wearing that helmet makes me feel so goofy and self-conscious that I’m incredibly giggly. Then, when I get out there on the road, I realize that anyone I pass won’t recognize me elsewhere without it, and I don’t plan to wear the helmet unless I’m on the bike, so it’s okay. No one will know it’s me. Or, at least I tell myself that. And then I see the other dorks on the road wearing biker shorts and form fitting shirts with equally ridiculous protective gear, so that helps take some of the pressure off. When I bought the bike, and my friend laughed at me in the store after I tried on a couple of helmets, I had initially decided that I’d go riding sans head gear. Then that Monday I got to work and learned that my coworkers’ girlfriend had gotten hit by a car with an old man behind the wheel. She hit the pavement, her helmet cracked almost in half, and the old man had a panic attack and was rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, it was her $300 helmet that cracked and not her head, right? I remember that video they showed us in Drivers Ed of the motorcyclist who’s head literally cracked open, spilling his brains all over the road L. It was enough to send me right back to Sport Chalet for a little life insurance. My helmet was only $50 though, but as big as it is and with all the padding inside, I think I’ll be alright.

Anyway, while looking dorkish I am also saving my life, saving some gas money, thus saving a little bit of the environment, and getting some sunshine and a nice workout in the process. The pros definitely outweigh the cons.

Here's the helmet (the back says "I love my brain." I'll probably take a picture of that later):


rashad said...

You must take a picture of yourself with your helmet on and share it!!!

Me said...

lol, i thought about it when I made the post. We'll see :) I'm actually grinning now at this request.