Monday, June 28, 2010
Uncle Bob
Friday, June 25, 2010
He's been spending the night every weekend
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
My hair

Here are the hair pics I said I'd post. In case you didn't read, I'm giving my semi-damaged hair a break from heat styling and now I'm trying to find a cute style I can wear natural. the bangs will no longer curl so they're straight, which looks a little odd to me. Maybe in a couple of months they'll at least wave up some.
Monday, June 21, 2010
The return of good friends, facebook, and glamour shots
Friday, June 18, 2010
Give us free! (c) my curls
Last week I decided to set my hair free. No flat iron, no blow dryer or heat styling of any kind…indefinitely. I suspected that, as of result of stress, I was thinning out at bit on the top of my head and I couldn’t allow that to happen. Oh hell no. So I researched hair vitamins on the net (lol), placed an order, Googled “curly hair styles” and “curly hair care,” washed my ‘do, and have been curly ever since. I learned that I have a mix of 3A and 3B hair, and a small portion is damaged from all the years of heat styling; also, that I should nix any hair care product with alcohol, Lanolin, or paraffin in it because it ruins curly hair. I sort of feel handicapped now, like I’m all thumbs, because I can’t quite figure out what to do with my ‘do. Today I just re-wet it and let it hang to air dry. My bangs won’t curl anymore from all the heat styling, so I cheated just a little bit and bumped them with the curling iron this morning. I’ve been kind of creative with parting my hair and using tortoise shell barrettes, which is more than I can say for the last time I decided to set my hair free. I had no idea what to do with it then, so I either clipped it up, bunned it up, or left it down, which got boring fast. Honestly, I love my hairs’ texture; it just doesn’t go with my face, lol. Every hairstyle photo I downloaded from the net had a narrow faced model. My face is round. Big and round, in fact, so I have to have some sort of bangs. But I have no clue how to fashion curly bangs. I aim to find out, though. I’m going to find the perfect natural hairstyle for me if it kills me. I’ll post a picture soon.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy Happy, Joy Joy

When I take inventory of my life and some of the things that I've fought for and accomplished that I thought, at the time, would make me happy in the long run, I realize that not all of them actually have. I don't have a lot of regrets. Just a few that stand out to me like neon lights, and I can't get past them. They've been occupying prime real estate in my mind for a while now and I'm not sure what to do with them. I'm talking about things that I've done in the name of happiness, present or deferred. Back when I made these particular choices, I felt relief but never happiness. Now I'm wondering if that was relief because I thought that my choices would make me happy later. Later, I'd be happy. Not then and there. Not that day, but someday. What a gamble. I was planning to be happy. Yet now, 10, 15 years later all I am is remorseful. This is not meant to be a woe is me post. I'm just mulling over some stuff. As I posted yesterday, lately I've been floating on sunshine. That's what prompted this post - my sudden happiness. How do I control it? I went from stressed and miserable, to don't worry, be happy. lol. And I couldn't see it coming. It was suddenly just there. What's funny is, before it had shown up, I was in the throes of planning for it, going about each day frantically trying to do the things that I thought would make me happy, and none of it has. I just suddenly began to feel happy. Every day this week has felt like Friday and I'm not exactly sure why. Though I have a few ideas. Nothing that has convinced me yet, though. Which leads me to the conclusion that my judgment is clearly OFF, lol. All these years of practice and planning my happiness and I can't even say that I'm getting better at it. I'm probably mostly really getting lucky :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I've had an abundance of great days lately...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Oh, Irwin... *smh
As a parent, it’s natural to worry... right? Growing up, my mother worried constantly about me. If I wasn’t home from school at precisely the minute I usually walked through the front door, she was lacing up her sneakers and heading out to look for me. She walked me to the city bus stop every morning, waited with me, and kissed me goodbye in front of
Until this day, my mom worries about me. Whenever I am out late, she demands that I call her as soon as I get home. And if I forget to call, she wakes me up in the middle of the night with a phone call, telling me she was worried. I’m 35 years old and my momma still worries about me. However, throughout all of my years, I have rarely ever done anything I wasn’t supposed to do. I was Old Reliable (still am, truth be told), you could count on me to do the right thing. So my mother never worried that I would do something wrong; she worried that someone else would do something wrong to me.
But my son? He’s just the flippin’ opposite of me. Even more naïve than I was because he was raised away from the inner city, but on top of that, he’s extremely hard headed. Visually, he is my spitting image but personality-wise we are night and day, onion and tomato, oil and water.
Being Old Reliable, I have done everything within my power that I can imagine to ensure that he stays on the straight and narrow. Yet all he’s done is try to figure out ways to outsmart me, failing every time. I am beyond frustrated and worried that he is going to grow up to be a huge loser… and I will die from worrying about him.
There are times when I try to have faith that he’ll be alright, and I try not to worry so much. I’ll compare him to other kids I know – his cousins, friends, my friends’ kids, etc. – and I realize that he is not sailing this boat to Losersville alone. In fact, many of them are worse off than he is. Which leads me to wonder, what the fuck is going on? Where the hell did we all go wrong?? On Facebook a few of his cousins and friends have added me to their friends’ list and 9 out of ten of them can’t spell or string a sentence together for shit. And they’re older than he is! And three of the main culprits have graduated high school. No college, though. Of course, they all still live at home, mooching off their parents, with very little indication that they will ever leave Losersville. I’m telling you, parenting is highly overrated.
This evening his father is coming over to bust up his shit. Literally. I’ll be removing the computer and cell phone from his possession asap. Otherwise, they, too, will get busted up. Dad is pissed, as he should be. Hopefully, this time though, his point will get across to that thick-domed one that is our son.
About the title: When he was much younger we used to call him "Irwin" after Danny Devito's character from the movie "Throw Mama From the Train." (Later, we found out that his characters' name was really Owen, but Irwin stuck) We'd tease him, saying "Irwin loves his mama." Well, today he's looking more and more like frickin' Irwin :( destined to be living with his mama until she dies.