Friday, June 18, 2010

Give us free! (c) my curls

Last week I decided to set my hair free. No flat iron, no blow dryer or heat styling of any kind…indefinitely. I suspected that, as of result of stress, I was thinning out at bit on the top of my head and I couldn’t allow that to happen. Oh hell no. So I researched hair vitamins on the net (lol), placed an order, Googled “curly hair styles” and “curly hair care,” washed my ‘do, and have been curly ever since. I learned that I have a mix of 3A and 3B hair, and a small portion is damaged from all the years of heat styling; also, that I should nix any hair care product with alcohol, Lanolin, or paraffin in it because it ruins curly hair. I sort of feel handicapped now, like I’m all thumbs, because I can’t quite figure out what to do with my ‘do. Today I just re-wet it and let it hang to air dry. My bangs won’t curl anymore from all the heat styling, so I cheated just a little bit and bumped them with the curling iron this morning. I’ve been kind of creative with parting my hair and using tortoise shell barrettes, which is more than I can say for the last time I decided to set my hair free. I had no idea what to do with it then, so I either clipped it up, bunned it up, or left it down, which got boring fast. Honestly, I love my hairs’ texture; it just doesn’t go with my face, lol. Every hairstyle photo I downloaded from the net had a narrow faced model. My face is round. Big and round, in fact, so I have to have some sort of bangs. But I have no clue how to fashion curly bangs. I aim to find out, though. I’m going to find the perfect natural hairstyle for me if it kills me. I’ll post a picture soon.


trE said...

I'm happy you're figuring out a way to maintain your texture of hair. I'm telling you now, if mine was still long, I'd be a lost cause... Congratulations lady... Now, give us pictures!

Me said...

last night i tried taking pictures of my hair and failed. I had no idea it could be so hard. I didn't want my face, just my hair and I couldn't do it. Tonight I'll post what I took and maybe I'll get my son to take some more later. Although he's a terrible photographer.