Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Love don’t live here anymore

I think the apple of my eye, my secret crush has found himself a lady friend before I got the chance to pour my heart out. Ah well, perhaps it’s for the best and wasn’t meant to be… just yet ;) Fortunately, I’m not devastated. Just disappointed. But summer is on its way (YAY!!) so I’ll be casting my net far and wide for one of those Harlequinn type romances. I’ve never fucked with Zane.

But I need more gumption because I’m sort of lazy. I don’t put myself in nearly enough situations to meet who I like. Honestly, I’d rather crush than “crush”…make someone up in my mind because usually, once the loving starts, the crush-ee never lives up to the crush-er’s imagination. Not even close.

Damn flawed human beings ;) I’m kidding, but only sort of. Blame Omar

Anyway, I planned a long time ago to be happy and so far I’m still on target. One cute face (beautiful face, actually. Fucking stunning if you really want to know :/) can’t stop my flow. I'll mourn him today and turn the page tomorrow. Farewell, Romeo *sniff

"For you and I are past our dancing days"

Monday, March 29, 2010


I don't know how to feel. I'm sure I'm supposed to feel pleased in some way 'The Guy Who's Wooing Me' has been nothing but nice for weeks now, going over and beyond the duty of a friend and, well...I'm still not interested in anything more than friendship with him. The company is nice, I appreciate the HELL out of the favors... but I just can't bring myself to feel affectionate towards him anymore. I spent a LOT of time (A LOT) getting over him and I would say I am sufficiently and completely over it. The feelings I feel don't go beyond general compassion for another human being.
But he's cooking, serving me meals in bed while I'm reading/watching TV, cleaning up, mowing my lawns (plural), edging them up, pulling up weeds, putting junk on the curb for me (I finally got rid of that washer, dryer and stove behind my garage), assembling my new country kitchen dinette set (Walmart! holla!), etc., etc., etc. And it's bordering on making me feel a little guilty because, even though he claims he's not expecting anything in return and is just being nice, I don't believe him. I think he wants more from me. Much more than I want to give. We've been down damn near every avenue together and ultimately could not make it work. History is long, but I don't see a future for us and I think he does. That's a problem I'm not sure how to handle. I'm afraid to level with him. I keep asking him why he's being so nice to me and he's pretending like it's nothing, not a big deal, but I know better. Some way, somehow I see this ending badly...because I just can't force my feelings.
I'm supposed to be enjoying this, head over heels, right? But I'm not. I'm grateful, but I'd rather pay him with money (not love) and be alone than go back into a relationship with him. And strangely, that worries me a little. I can't even explain it so I'll stop here.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I need a resolution

Every Sunday night I'm sad. Every Monday morning I wake up feeling sad, again. Yet Fridays, Saturday's and Sunday's my malaise is gone. I think my work is making me ill.

Now I'm watching Titanic and missing love. Oh, yeah, I got DirecTV installed today. Finally, lol. TV just wasn't a priority for me, especially when basic comes for free. But I went over my budget and paid off a few appliances so now I can afford this little luxury.

I'm so sleepy but I don't want this day to end...and I wake up sad.

Friday, March 26, 2010

About a month ago...

someone left an anonymous compliment for me on my formspring page, and ever since then I've grown obsessed with knowing who it is. I think I know. Or rather, I know who I'd like it to be. But if I'm correct, he may never reveal himself and that saddens me. Yet strangely, it makes me swoon even more knowing that he (she?) left the compliment without wanting anything in return. A genuine compliment with no ulterior motives :) Meanwhile, I can't stop thinking about who I think he is. But what if I'm wrong? Ugh.

Here's the page. Shortly after receiving the compliment I deactivated my account so when I reactivated it weeks later, the date was sort of left in limbo and never updated. It still says that I received it yesterday.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Moon - try not to vomit

Now I’m all about teeny bopper and sappy sweet love stories but I finally saw New Moon and I have to say that was some grade A bullshit. I can’t even pick a team. I want to be on team Jacob but his voice is way too squeaky and I wasn’t really feeling his characters’ propensity for anger (while sounding like a pip squeak, lol). Wth? Okay, so you’re a werewolf but do you have to be a loose cannon? You can't be cool? So he’s now a dangerous character, too. Bah. I liked him better when he was sweet but no nonsense. Then, one of the wolves in his pack “accidentally” scarred his fiance’s face really badly in anger but they’re still together and very much in love and, of course, he’s so so so so sorry. He just can’t help himself. FOH.

And Edward is just plain creepy looking. Super pale, emaciated face with red eyes and red lips is hot? Nothing he could say would make me melt. I don’t know what the appeal is - fear, danger, violence? If so, the folks responsible for this book and movie are fucked in the head. Is this what we’re teaching our young girls? That love is brutal and painful and scary? Bella is eager to give up her SOUL for this fool! Her God-given SOUL! They’ve jumped the shark. I thought Mormons were opposed to this sort of malarkey. Lol. I thought it was a good thing Edward and Bella couldn’t consummate their love. Now, not only are they going to be fucking, he’s going to literally suck out her SOUL. This is beyond ridiculous. The metaphor is all kinds of wrong.

But the bigger question is…

…have I finally outgrown my beloved teeny bopper, sappy sweet love stories?! Hell nah. Teens today are just crazy, looney-bin every way you slice it. Although, Jacob is kind of fine (no pedo? Lol). Him shirtless and hugging Bella was the best part of the entire movie. Now he could love her without sucking out her soul first. But then there’s that whole brutal love thing :/

I shipped that flick back to Netflix so fast…

It’s a good thing I didn’t see it in theaters. I might’ve elicited a riot with my disdain. But in my own living room I was free to talk shit without angering the idiots.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love is...

Love is not only blind, it can't count well either (c) Lilly, 65 (and George, 54)

Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly (c) Sam Keen

Love is not blind; it simply enables one to see things others fail to see.

Love is not a want, love is now a need (c) Maxwell

Love is patient, love is kind

Love is a battlefield (c) Pat Benatar

Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness (c) Bertrand Russell

Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas (c) Dale Evans

Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding (c) Diane Arbus

You call it madness, but I call it love (c) Don Byas

Maybe it's the weather that has me feeling this way :) Whatever it is, spread love (c) Take 6

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I save my fortunes

Many of them, not all.Just the ones that sound good to me or reflect a wish I’d like to come true. “All decisions you make today will be most fortunate” reads one. “You stand in your own light, make it shine” says another. “No problem leaves you where you found it”... “A peaceful mind generates power” and so on. The very computer that I am typing this post up on is framed with fortunes from cookies I have consumed over the past four years or so. If I open a cookie and do not like the fortune, I don’t eat the cookie, lol. I’m slightly superstitious J and weird that way. Okay, that’s a lie; I’m pretty damn superstitious, lol. I don’t walk under ladders, I say “bread and butter” whenever someone says the same thing as me, simultaneously (picked that one up as a kid one summer in STL), I say my prayers every night before falling asleep (“…if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take…”), and I believe that the energy you put out into the world will find its way back to you. What goes around comes around. It’s somewhat of a religious obsession. Perhaps a silly one but who’s it hurting? Right, so no harm no foul. Although some of it is precautionary. Like washing my hands regularly or locking my car doors when I get in to go somewhere, or holding my purse zipped and close to me to ward off theft. Does any of this ring familiar with you or do you just go with the flow of life without a second thought of what may come? Better to attempt to be safe, than to end up sorry, right? But I’m just babbling. Bah.

Whoa boy

The crush is back, and hard. Every time I close my eyes I see him. He's been a recurring theme in my dreams and they have been sweet :) I have to keep telling myself to keep it together (keep it together!) but it's so hard. There are days when all I want to do is fantasize about him, but then I'll get nothing done and that's no good. He is so beautiful to me. Man... A friends recent facebook status said "love with your heart and not with your mind or eyes." I'm not sure what I'm doing here, lol. But dios mio, c'est ci bon!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring weather got me singing :)

Boy, do I love the sunshine. And we've been getting plenty of it lately. The weather man predicts it’ll be 80 degrees today and nice and bright until 8pm, which has me cheesing :D. Yesterday I got home and the birds were chirp-chirping away. I opened all the windows and let the warm breeze in while I flipped through a magazine on the couch and thawed out some chicken for dinner.

Then my boy came home and announced that he’d like to join the school choir. His graphics design class designed the backdrop for the schools upcoming rendition of The Wiz (he made the yellow brick road) so they all got to stay and watch the first show for free, and all that singing inspired something in my boy. He says that “people” tell him he has a nice voice and he really dug all the “emotion being released” by the choir, so he’s thinking of joining. I like that he’s outgoing and likes to try his hand at just about everything but I really wish he’d find something he loves and stick with it. He’s played almost every sport at the school, he’s in the graphic design academy, he was on the debate team, etc. and now he’s thinking of joining the choir. I know this aint nothing but him watching too much Glee on TV, lol. Regardless, I’ll support it as always. I wonder if this will stick though. He claims he wants to be an MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter. This is normal for 15 year old boys, right? He changes his mind like the wind.

My friend cancelled the gold party that was scheduled for today. Hallelujah! So this evening is free for me. I’ll clean house like I do every Friday after work, then I’ll hit the gym, come home and shower and wash my hair, then maybe go out somewhere. I think the “Guy that’s Wooing Me” is planning to stop by, too. Last night we talked on the phone and somehow got on the subject of books and reading. I love books and reading and I don’t remember him really being as fond as I am of either (I’ve known him forever). But he objected, saying that, as a matter of fact, he’s reading a book right now.

“What book?” I asked, and he didn’t want to tell me, talking about “You’ll just talk shit or make a big deal out of nothing.” So I pressed and pressed and wouldn’t give up, and finally he told me that he’s been watching the History channel right? and they aired some really interesting religious episodes, and since his super religious ex-coworker had given him *one for Christmas a couple of years back, he decided to pick it up and has been READING THE BIBLE. It was so hard for me to contain my shock and awe but I’d promised not to make a big deal out of this. He’s always been somewhat spiritual, he gets on his knees and says his prayers every night, but that’s about it. He says he’s more than halfway through it. I’m going to casually ask to see this book one day if/when I’m ever at his place. I just cannot imagine this. From anyone else I wouldn’t be surprised but I find it terribly interesting that he’s reading The Good Book.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I have become a curmudgeon

Fuck off, is my new favorite phrase. I don’t suffer fools or assholes kindly; or at all if I can help it. Lately, they’ve been in abundance, though. Or maybe I just noticed them the day I became a curmudgeon. Don’t bring me no bad news © Evilene, The Wiz

I’ve been cleaning house with a push broom, vacuum, and a whole lot of Lysol wipes. Anyone even remotely close to resembling drama gets 86’d, pushed out, wiped away. No time for it, bark up another tree, thank you. Nothing but peace and light over here. J

My patience is short and my temper is ill/chill, depending on *you. Basically, I’m getting too old for young bullshit.

I just sent one of my Facebook acquaintances a note requesting that they let me know now whether or not they are cavorting with someone who I have decided is heavy drama and messy. If it turns out that my suspicions are true, that’s one less person in my Facebook “friend’s” list. No hard feelings, but the drama monger in question has tried repeatedly to infiltrate my life and do damage. Not cool. So now I’m waiting on his response. If I don’t get one by tomorrow this time, he’s getting deleted. This is the second time I’ve asked and I’m oh-so serious.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How do you get past the hurt and truly forgive someone? Once your mind is made up, can it be unmade? I don't know if mines can. Tonight, that's troubling me.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I am exhausted. This morning’s earthquake didn’t help matters. I halfway bolted out of bed, my adrenaline pumping, thinking the planet wasn’t done rearranging itself after Haiti and Chile. Now, of course, they’re on the news saying this mornings 4.4 quake was a precursor to more quakes. They just love scaring us up. “The big one is going to hit in the next 30 years,” they said 15 years ago. Now they’re saying it again, “The big one is coming between now and 30s years.” They have no gatdamn clue, Ibet. They just love frightening people. Now my coworker is saying that we’re actually 150 years overdue for the Big quake. Great, just groovy. I’m adding museum putty to my list of things to buy this week and re-reading my insurance policy to see if I have earthquake insurance on my house. I probably don’t.

I need to pull myself together. Every morning I wake up on the wrong side of the bed and I don’t understand why. I could go to bed feeling great; I could spend all day feeling upbeat, in high spirits. But inevitably the following morning, as soon as I open my eyes and realize its morning, I feel incredibly sad. …Except during the weekends. I usually wake up ready to seize my day on Saturday and Sunday mornings. It’s like time stands still for me for those two days so that I can relax and get my shit in order. I’m not sure why this is but methinks it has something to do with my job. It’s a time suck. But I won’t get too far into that because you never know who is reading. Anyway, I seriously need to get myself together, get my mind back right, and I aim to.

In other news, I’m sort of geeked about my lunch pail collection J I just added an adorable shiny red and yellow Coca Cola one to the bunch and as I’m sitting here looking at it, I think I’ll photograph them all and post them up one of these days to show all 4 of you, my dear readers. In addition to the “coke box”, I have a Rosie the Riveter lunch box that I got from the Army Museum in Honolulu, a Wonder Woman lunchbox that I nabbed on ebay, a cheetah print one that I’ve had forever and don’t remember where I got it, and one with some zany little comic book character folks that I found at the bookstore. I get loads of compliments whenever I carry one of them, surprisingly, especially from the guys that I work with. They want to carry a lunchbox oh so bad but the talk is that it’s unmanly, so they’re living vicariously through me. Really. One day, as I was heating up my grub in the microwave, four of them were in the lunch room talking and the conversation shifted to how awesome my Rosie box is. They all want to bring their lunches but are at a loss as to what to carry them in. Brown paper bags look too goofy, and soft sacks look even goofier, lol, they say. So the one guy who cooks all his meals (like a champ, may I add. Dude even makes homemade soup and owns a bread machine) has decided to just stuff everything in Tupperware and tuck it deep down in his messenger bag, praying that nothing leaks. Further proof that being a woman totally rocks. I never worry about such nonsense. But I draw the line at Scooby Doo and Hello Kitty-type lunch pails ;)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Where are my tunnel vision glasses?

I think I’m being wooed. He’s doing all sorts of nice things for me. The movies and surprising me with a great dinner, all the help around my house, being a shoulder and giving me extra money just for good measure, making breakfast, lunch, and dinner...I won’t lie, it’s feeling pretty good but I know that’s only because he’s a comfort that I’m used to. He’s easy and it wouldn’t take me any work or (much) frustration to settle in with him. I’ve been there, done that already (quite a bit, actually). It’s tempting, but only because it’s convenient and nothing else looks as good right now. I have to remind myself why I left in the first place. Nothing has changed but time and there hasn’t been enough of it. I can’t lose focus.

But man, does it feel good.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Naughty Girl Party was a bust

But the weekend overall was pretty nice. The fellas worked super hard on the yard and discovered that quite a few animals had made my backyard their home :/ Namely a huge yellow and brown lizard allegedly the size of a "small dinosaur!" (c) Miles, or "an iguana" (c) Reg, that they nicknamed Burt. They said that when they uncovered Burt, he/she poked his/her head out from beneath a pile of dead leaves and then sashayed out like "TA DA!" lol. They initially thought it was a snake, at about 2.5 inches wide and 15 inches long, and was ready to chop its head off. Then, as they continued to rustle the leaves, a school of "little Burts" scurried about, and Big Burt made its way behind the garage. Now, Burt I'm cool with because I figure Burt and the lil ones are the reason we no longer have a cricket infestation in the backyard. But then they found what looked to be like a rats nest behind the house :( Of course, I just about died when given this news. Thankfully, they cleared everything out, mowed the lawns front to back, pulled weeds, trimmed hedges and dug up vegetation on the side of the house so that I could lay down the three bags of red rock I bought. But I won't be laying down the rock until I chlorinate that area and kill it off. Oh, and they also found a mysterious piece of shit, lol. Literally, a huge piece of shit that some animal left back there. They think it's too large to have come from one of the neighborhood cats so they're guessing it's either possum poop or dog poop. I doubt it's dog poop, but whatever. My son picked it up with his glove and tossed it in the trash.
Anyway, it's such a wonderful feeling having the house cleaned inside and out.

The hostess of the naughty girl party wasn't very knowledgeable about the products she was selling. She wasn't sure what the second ring on the cock ring was for (until I told her it was for the scrotum, after which she gave me a smiling thumbs up), she called talc "talic powder" and she passed on introducing a few products because she admitted to having no idea what they were for/did. Regardless, everything was grossly overpriced and nothing was available to purchase on the spot. She wanted us to order items and then pay for shipping and handling so I passed, figuring I could get better deals online. The set up was nice and the food and drinks that my friend prepared were great. Halfway through the show, though, I found myself nodding off and thought she must be boring me to sleep. But then I looked at my watch and realized she had been talking for 3 hours! And the stripper hadn't shown up. So I asked my friend, who's house this was taking place at, if there'd still be entertainment and she told me that he said he wasn't going to come until after he went on stage at the club he works at. Not willing to sit around and wait any longer, that was my cue to skidaddle. I texted Reg to call me so that I could come up with an excuse to leave and then we were out. My arms, wrist and hands were full of lickable powders, potions, lotions and creams so I couldn't wait to hit the shower.

Other than that, I bought a nifty new cellphone, a bag full of delicious candles from Ikea (only 1.99 for those puppies!! Get you some, you'll love 'em), working on getting a kitchen estimate for a new kitchen (!!!), spent time with my loved ones, helped a friend out with a huge dilemma, and I got my hair done. This weekend rates 4 out of 5 stars :)

A handful pics from the party

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Victory is MINE!!! I beat the Chinese!!

Dear VALERIE ****my last name****:   We have great news!  The billing dispute on your Citi(R)  Platinum Select(R) account for the transaction on 10/09/2009  in the amount of $160.00 at PAYPAL *SHOPPINGTOO  has been resolved.   The conditional credit previously posted to your account is  now permanent.   You'll receive a statement message or letter confirming  the action taken on your billing dispute.  If you have  other outstanding billing disputes, you will be updated  via email, statement messaging or other correspondence as  their status changes.   We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you. 

I WON! :) Those son's of bitches tried to stick me with some bootleg boots

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's the freakin weekend, baby

Tomorrow is my friend’s naughty girl party. I hope she’s not upset that I bowed out of going to New Orleans for the Essence Festival with her. It just wasn’t on my timeframe or in my budget, and would have been pretty irresponsible of me, considering I have um, bills and stuff. I told her this but I neglected to mention the potential drama that I see unfolding concerning her bff who’s meeting her out there… so far away from home, with the entire city sold out of hotel rooms, and nowhere to go in the event that this drama does indeed unfold. I’m not trying to be caught out there, especially after such a huge investment of time and money. My plan is, and has been, to go next year.

Anyway, so my old high school friend/play brother will be stripping for us tomorrow at the party and I have made a mental note to lug my big, hulking camera along with me to take flicks. This should be good and fun. He’s gotten buff and cute but his ego is so astronomical, it aint funny. And I’m sure he’s a huge manwhore these days, making up for all those high school diss days. Those are the worst; bitter and ready to make every woman pay for those pillow drenched high school woe-is-me-I-can't-get-no-love days. L So now he’s shaking it hard for the ladies, showing us all what we’re missing, lol. Wow, this is sort of tragic in an abused porn chick kind of way. But not quite because he’s getting pizzz-AID and not really taken advantage of.

So yeah, other than that, this weekend, now that the rain is gone, we will finally work on my front, back and side yards that are overgrown and need tending to. I plan to make Cornish hens for my hard working fellows J God bless ‘em. Oh, and I think I’ll be getting my Japanese lanterns hung in the tree, too!! YAY! My ex bro in law is coming through tonight to crawl into my attic and hook some shit up. Gotta love a man who's willing to crawl into dark, dirty, cramped spaces for ya, lol. So glad I’m still on good terms with these folks. *sigh.

Have a supercalifragilistic weekend, folks.

Friday, March 5, 2010


- Is God trying to tell me something? I often think so, but especially now. So many signs are screaming at me. I don’t know whether to pull over or just take heed and keep moving. I’m proceeding with caution…sort of.

- Crushes rarely ever live up to their hype. I’m crushing hard right now. I write his name over and over and over. I whisper it in my head and I feel so foolish. I’m romanticizing a notion! It feels good but the wanting doesn’t. I wonder if I’ll ever get what I had back again. Right now, it’s like snow that won’t stick.

- Man, I wish I could get a glimpse into the future. What happens to me next? I have to prepare and pack appropriately. I hate being caught off guard and I ALWAYS am.

- I’m fucking up. I can’t seem to focus on any of the things that I need to focus on. I’ve tried regrouping and I can’t even focus on that. Ugh. I feel like I need to be forced to take a two-day nap. Like a big ass toddler.

- I wish I had a job where I could just think all day - Daydreamer, and involve others only when I feel its necessary. Tomorrow I'll probably want to be something else.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Should I be pissed?

I'm pissed. Almost 10 years ago I told a friend about a funny message board that I frequent. Then she and I lost touch. Unbeknownst to moi, she signed up for said message board and had been posting and chatting on there ever since, but only last year did she make her presence known to me. Of course, I reached out to her. We'd been friends since 7th grade. That's a grillion years of knowing someone. And what does she do? She fronts. This bitch fucking fronts! I was thoroughly offended. I mean, yes, I act the fool from time to time on that board but that's not ME. That's me uncensored with a laugh track and some red bull. She should know this. So I asked her what was up and she gives me some ol' pity response as if it's really not like that. Okay. Whatever. Fast forward to today, one month after I publicly signed up for facebook and I see that she is FRIENDS with one of my friends and hasn't said one fricking peep to me. I am so gatdamn offended I don't know what to do. Why doesn't she want to be my friend? And damn facebook for making me feel this way, lol. It's so ridiculous.
I'm still mad though. Bitch. My feelings are hurt.

A friend wants to use my house to throw a "gold" party. She says people trade in their gold for cash and whoever hosts it gets a percentage of the money. However, she wants to split the money with me because she can't have another one at her house since there are limits on how many you can have. She says that people don't have to stay. They can come in, exchange their gold and leave. But how many people are going to actually do that? And if it's that easy, why even have it at someones house or call it a party? Something sounds fishy, right? She'd basically be getting paid to do pretty much nothing, the way I see it. I'd be the one put out behind this mess. I don't want to have to kick motherfuckers out of my house! Ugh. I hate trying to be nice when I don't want to. How do I get out of this? I have to come up with something.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lobster guy called

That's this frogs name - Lobster guy. Previous frogs were Trumpet guy, Waiter dude, Pimp playa Himalaya's, Candy Cane, Model mayhem, and Freshly.
So yeah, Lobster guy called me this evening saying that everything was going well down in Florida and that he wanted to catch up with me since our date last Wednesday. But I called to follow up with him last Thursday, the day after our date, and left him a voicemail message thanking him yet again for dinner, showing concern for his alleged ailment, and wishing him safe travels. But he's calling me back on Tuesday, 5 whole days later.
He's had time to think. So have I.
My guess is, he's thought about that dinner, talked about it repeatedly with his only friend, and felt like a sucka. Although that wasn't my intention, he walked into that on his own. But now he's really going to feel like a sucka because it's too late to do damage control. Sorry. I'm kicking him to the curb for his actions that night, as well as him neglecting to call for 5 days. He's going to need to learn to perfect that poker face in the future. I figure he feels like that dinner was an investment and now he wants to collect sex. He fucked up though by waiting 5 days to return my call (when that isn't his pattern), thus giving me more than enough time to step outside of the situation and see it/him for what it/he is. That benefit of a doubt window closed on Friday. I no longer like him or want to talk to him anymore. In the span of 2 hours he got more than a dozen strikes against him:
1. rude to the wait staff
2. stupid
3. commented on my meal more than twice, as if it was a problem
4. embarrassed me
5. didn't know what justice meant, and thought I was insulting him (lol)
6. didn't know what euthanized meant
7. tried to chastise me about not insisting on a better table
8. admitted to abandoning his son, saying "that dude his mom married takes good care of him. In fact, my son is spoiled. He don't want for nothing."
9. Bragged about his car and finances yet acted like a cheap sonofabitch at dinner
10. Didn't return my call for 5 days
11. Didn't know how to pay a restaurant bill
12. Didn't think to make a reservation (although that one is minor, but still...I'm on a roll here)
13. Talked too much and too negatively about a recent ex, causing me not to trust him
14. I no longer trust his motives.

Anyway, I was polite to him when he called and he said that he would call me back once he returns to Cali. At which point I plan to confront the situation, give him my take on things, ask him his take, and then politely say that it was nice while it lasted, but PEACE BE WITH YOU MY BROTHER. I'm out.
I hope he learns something from this experience. I certainly have.