Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Not as good as Under the Tuscan Sun, but not too shabby either
I finally saw Eat Pray Love this past weekend and I can’t say that I was terribly disappointed, but it did occur to me that if I hadn’t read the book, I might have been. The primary point of the movie was left out, as a couple of the Yahoo movie reviewers previously noted, and Liz Gilbert seemed like an insanely confused white woman on the verge of something incredibly stupid. Like, she’d lost her entire mind and would, at any moment, be committed to a mental institution. She didn’t read like that in the book, though, unless I read it wrong, lol. To me, she came across in the book as someone who was tired of living the way society felt she was should live. She wasn’t happy with her marriage, which only came about because it was expected of her by others. And, in order to get over the disappointment of her failed marriage and subsequent divorce, she jumped headfirst into what promised to be a disastrous relationship with a younger man. Eventually, she decided that the best way to pull herself out of the muck she had created was to get as far away from it as possible. The first stop being
Fortunately, I knew exactly what was going on at all times because I had read the book and the movie followed the story to a T (except for the ending, but I'll get to that). But my movie buddy was lost and bored. For instance, in the book it is explained that Ketut Liyer, the old Indonesian medicine man, doesn’t speak English very well so he confuses the greeting “Good to see you” with “Good to MEET you,” instead. So the viewer is left thinking that this old man has no idea who Julia Roberts is and forgets her every time she leaves him. Julia Roberts sucked, by the way. But Javier Bardem and the guy who played Richard from
The only part that I didn’t like about the movie was how they changed the most important part – the ending. They got lazy, and rather than make it clear why Liz had cold feet with Felipe, they just made her appear even crazier than they had initially. There’s a part in the book that was left out of the movie, where Liz, in so many words, says that she needed to be her own father. She was lamenting on how in
It played out much better in the book, I promise. But the movie wasn’t too shabby, either. Go see it if you like watching the Travel Channel or flipping through Conde Nast. Bali and Italy look awesome :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Eat, Pray, Love...Rant!!
I haven’t gone to see the movie yet but I have read many of the reviews on Yahoo Movies and, just like with the movie Riding in Cars with Boys, men generally suck at reviewing chick flicks… frankly.
So many people are bashing this woman’s true life story because she “left a perfectly good man” that she wasn’t happy with. Apparently, it is criminal to leave an unhappy situation with someone you don’t hate, who doesn’t beat, cheat or regularly berate you. How appallingly ungrateful it is not to accept the perfectly nice guy as he is and live happily ever after. I know plenty of people who fit the “perfectly fine/nice” description, men and women alike, who don’t beat, cheat or berate me but that doesn’t mean that I’d want to spend the rest of my life as their mate. And if you feel like that makes me spoiled and ungrateful, kindly get the fuck out of here. It’s as if they all feel that, with the extremely high rate of male infidelity/indecision/inability to settle, any woman would be a plum fool to walk out on a nice guy in exchange for being alone. Being alone gets such a bad rap! It’s so unfortunate.
Allow me to put on my feminist t-shirt for just a moment and point out that unmarried women outlive their married counterparts, and unmarried men die before their married counterparts. Why? Because the married woman (God bless her heart) is typically signing up for a life of hard domestic labor. She is no longer just taking care of the household, no. In today’s day she is also out there bringing home the bacon and, after a long day among pigs, expected to come home and fry it up, as well cater to a grown man and kid(s). Add to that the stresses of pregnancy, childbirth, post partum depression, post-baby body image, and crying, needy children and…well, any woman who claims that she’d gladly to take all that on in exchange for living like Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat Pray Love, is a bold faced liar or a fool. That is not to say that all marriages or relationships operate this way, but the vast majority of them are fixed on this 1950s-meets-new-millenium model. Was Liz Gilbert being selfish? Yes, and? Who doesn't do anything that doesn't satisfy them? Who can honestly claim to be a true martyr? Every gift you've given or received was for your benefit. What do you do that is completely selfless? I'd love to know.
These Yahoos (movie reviewers) are also angry that she was fortunate enough to not have anything stopping her from traveling to and living in three countries for an entire year. Downright angry over it, even, lol. Whoever said the truth can be stranger than fiction was a genius, yet these movie critics can’t seem to see beyond their own honking noses. I happened to like the book. No, I do not have the money or time to spend a year living in three countries, but I know some folks who very likely could if they wanted to. Nor, am I white, blonde, or over 6 feet tall, either. I do admit that somewhere along the time she spent in
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Under the California Sun
The days are heating up and summer is finally here in
And I’m not doing too shabby. Especially when I look at Facebook pictures of my relatives in the
Anyway, I’m not in the
It’s 8:43am and the temperature outside is already in the 80s. Dios mio.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jesus Spam
The Poem
I knelt to pray but not for long,
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills would soon be due.
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees
My Christian duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease
All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer
No time to speak of Christ to friends
They'd laugh at me I'd fear
No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at last the time, the time to die
I went before the Lord,
I came, I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God held a book;
It was the book of life.
God looked into his book and said
'Your name I cannot find
I once was going to write it down...
But never found the time'
Monday, August 16, 2010
My moment on the "catwalk"
The photo shoot was a slight disappointment. I didn’t expect it to go perfectly, although I strongly wished it had. This was my very first, and most likely my last, professional photo shoot for a publication. Of course, I wanted it to go as I’d always dreamed it would. But when they emailed me that hair and makeup would be minimal and that they wanted us in our “natural state” and to arrive with freshly cleaned, dry hair sans any styling products, I was confused. My hair is naturally curly. If I wash out all of my natural oils and don’t replace them with any, my hair is not going to dry, um… beautifully. My natural state, sans product would look sort of cave womanish. And then, trying to style my naturally curly hair while dry would be an even worse disaster. Couple that with my shoot location being the beach, and I was sure to have a dry, frizzy, salty-headed mess. So, I decided it might be best to straighten my tresses and trust that the stylist could do some minor maintenance. I still followed the rules and put nothing in my hair, hoping that the stylist would at least spritz me with a little holding spray.
Now, my company’s annual picnic at Universal Studios was the same day as the shoot so by the time I left the picnic, 4.5 hours later, my hair was not at its best and I was dead tired. Still optimistic though, I high stepped it into the studio smiling and warm-spirited. This was going to be a great, once in a lifetime experience J
I was the first of the last 3 women to be shot that day – the first to be shot on the beach and the 3rd to the last to be shot since 6am that morning. It was 4pm when I arrived and the crew was still somewhat upbeat, cha-cha-sliding to the cha-cha-slide song that came on the radio and drinking wine. I got my hair and makeup done simultaneously so I couldn’t see a thing that was happening to me. But from the feel of things I was getting much more than minimal makeup and much less than minimal styling. The stylist flat ironed my hair a bit more to remove the excess waves that I had sweated into my hair while traipsing around Universal Studios and riding roller coasters, then she created two tiny braids on each side of my head and connected them in the back. The makeup artist painted a Picasso on my face. She used wet makeup and a soft brush, covering every inch of my face from ear to ear, and scalp to chin. I barely recognized myself when she was done and my hair had zero pizzazz. Yet, still hopeful, I smiled and followed the crew 1.5 blocks down to the beach in nothing but a pair of flip flops, my robe and my panties. All eyes seemed to be on us – and particularly me, the girl in her robe and a ton of makeup.
Despite the somewhat muggy day on Saturday, the beach was jam packed and I was instructed to ignore everyone and just be a model. They wrapped a blanket around me and changed me out of my robe and into a thin piece of fabric right there at the waters edge and soon enough, I had forgotten about all of the people watching. Mainly because of all the direction I was being given by Tomiko, the real model, and Natiya, the photographer.
“Turn left… rest your eyes… stop squinting… back up a bit… imagine you’re an island girl… where are you? …Feel unbound… try not to get the fabric wet…”
Then, after a wave suddenly plowed into all of us and wet the bottom of my fabric dress, they asked me why I was running from the water 0_0 By this time, my hair was a mess and I didn’t know whether to turn left, right, pose, jump, smile, or cry. My bangs had lost their curl and my hair felt like straw from the salty beach air.
“Let’s give her beach hair!” they said, and then proceeded to take down the tiny little braids the stylist had connected in the back of my head. “Toss your hair, bend over.” So I did and my hair went wild with the wind. “You want to do that? O_o , Oh. Okay,” exclaimed Tomiko, the real supermodel. I was thoroughly confused and could only imagine how horrible my pictures looked because of this beach hair and my frozen poses.
Although the photographer made me feel beautiful while I was standing there being shot, as soon as I was done I felt like I hadn’t done my best and needed a do-over, this time knowing precisely what to do (mainly, my own hair!). But after about 20 frames, my time was up. My once in a lifetime opportunity had passed in the span of 1.5 hours. Then it was time for my interview on camera - unscripted, totally raw and totally cringe-worthy in hindsight, lol. And, as a bonus, this interview will be played during the books launch party in October. Egads! I'm already embarrassed just thinking about it.
I won’t get to see my pictures until about 2-3 weeks from now, and I won’t get to pick or know which picture they are picking for the book until publication. The anticipation has been killing me since the moment I left the beach. I don’t have a good feeling about my shots, mainly due to my hair being a fly away mess and not knowing how I was posed in each picture. I’ll just have to wait in agony, I suppose. Or just forget the whole thing even happened.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Being Vegan is for the birds

A couple of weeks in and I'm ready to quit. The constant scowl on my sons face whenever I even mention dinner let's me know that he is annoyed, frustrated, and resentful of this imposition on his diet. He appeared to have a stroke when I told him that we wouldn't be ordering or buying any pizza anymore unless he was having a sleepover and I didn't want to cook. Maybe I went about this all wrong. He's scoffing at everything non-meat/dairy, except the sweet stuff. He liked the hemp ice cream at Real Food Daily but he was almost angry over his "burger". And, at $15 wasted, so was I. It's a whole song and dance we have to go through just to get him to try something "different." Quite frankly, I'm hungry too, and all of my taste buds aren't being satisfied. I don't want to change my eating habits, but I don't want heart disease or any other food-related ailment either. This is tough. I'm cutting back, that's the most I can do right now considering my long history of loving and eating meat, sweets, and other no-longer-good-for-me junk. Now, damn near everything on that little health food pyramid they gave me in fourth grade is considered bad to eat. ...Or maybe I've just been reading it upside down. lol, the inverted food pyramid.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How am I unbound?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Friday, August 6, 2010
A few, uh...bunch of things
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Immortalize my shit
About a week ago, my glamour shot friend sent me an email flier for a pretty well-known supermodel’s upcoming photo book. The flier was looking for a diverse group of women to participate in a photo shoot for potentially being included in the book. The deal was: submit a photo and your payment of $100 to be considered. If chosen, you will receive professional hair and makeup and a private photo shoot with *world renown photographer (who shall remain nameless for now). If, after the shoot, your picture is chosen to be included in the book, you’ll get your money back and you’ll get your photos for free. If your picture is not chosen, you’ll have gotten hair, makeup and a professional photo shoot on the beach by *world renown photographer, and the experience of a lifetime.
Of course, the skeptic in me was like, eh. But my friend was gung ho and talked me into submitting my photo, saying, albeit somewhat jokingly, that if I got chosen and she didn’t she would be “maaaaaad as hell.”
As you can probably tell by now I GOT SELECTED! OmyGOD! OmyGOD! OmyGOD! I have no idea if my friend got selected, though. I sent her a text about 30 minutes ago and she hasn’t replied yet. Eitherwhoo…Yit-ti-deee!
Wow. I'm still skeptical, lol. I probably won't believe it until it happens and I have my pictures in-hand. (I've been ripped off before :( Damn Chinese bootleggers) Wish me luck!! :D