Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jesus Spam

If we're lucky, we have someone who spams us constantly with emails about God/The Lord/Jesus Christ. Even if we don't read them. Just having someone who hopes and prays for our wellbeing is a blessing in itself, in my opinion. My Jesus spammer, much like yours I bet, usually sends me forwards that, at the end of the message, either tries to elicit guilt in me if I don't send the email on to X amount of people in X amount of time, or tries to scare or trick me into believing something bogus, like "if you love/have time for/believe in God, you'll do xy&z...," etc. But sometimes they can be way over the top. Anyway, today my Jesus Spammer sent me this , and I liked it enough to forward it on...and post it here :)
I hope you like it too:

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

The Poem

I knelt to pray but not for long,

I had too much to do.

I had to hurry and get to work

For bills would soon be due.

So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,

And jumped up off my knees

My Christian duty was now done

My soul could rest at ease

All day long I had no time

To spread a word of cheer

No time to speak of Christ to friends

They'd laugh at me I'd fear

No time, no time, too much to do,

That was my constant cry,

No time to give to souls in need

But at last the time, the time to die

I went before the Lord,

I came, I stood with downcast eyes.

For in his hands God held a book;

It was the book of life.

God looked into his book and said

'Your name I cannot find

I once was going to write it down...

But never found the time'


Anonymous said...

Oh God! My cousin does this! Everyday I get a religious forward and I really, really want to tell her to chill. But, she's like 48 and I don't want to hurt her feelings and have her up in Jersey thinking I'm a Jesus hater... But, I don't know how many, "thanks for this cousin" responses I can continue to give.

Me said...

lol, you don't have to reply or even read them all. They spam EVERYONE with these email forwards, trust me. they're not keeping track of who responds to them. But if your aunt does, maybe just respond to every 10th email to pacify her ;) Although, I wouldn't respond at all because then she'll become accustomed to it and you'll never be able to stop, lol. Oops! too late. hahaha