Sunday, January 30, 2011
The weekend is never long enough
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
We ate San Francisco
I knew that the food would be brilliant in
At Brenda’s I got the Hangtown Fry, which is eggs scrambled with oysters, bacon, and andouille sausage, a homemade biscuit, and hash potatoes, and my friend, Jamorra got a fried seafood basket. We both washed it all down with watermelon iced tea. And the jam for our biscuits tasted exactly like peach cobbler. I couldn’t stop smiling, I was in Hog Heaven. Oh, and we ordered a plate of the most delicious crawfish beignets! Oh, they were to die for! They are the reason why I want to make my next trip to New Orleans so that I can eat and try every beignet known to man, as well as learn (or try to learn) how to make them myself for those special occasions and emergency cravings. I want to be one of those people who are coveted for a specific culinary dish, like my mother is for her potato salad and deviled eggs, and my grandmother for her…well, everything. For every family gathering or holiday, I want my relatives and friends to ask me to make my special dish, whatever that turns out to be. Hopefully, it's crawfish beignets. Anyway, not only was all the food we ate absolutely delicious, we got hearty portions that neither of us could finish nor even really put a dent in. Oh, but I gave it a good try at Brenda’s and the only thing they took back to the kitchen was a few potatoes and a half eaten biscuit. In the Mission District, though, it was Woman vs Food and Food came out victorious L I don’t regret the challenge one bit, either – two cheesy chicken enchiladas, a side of chicken and 3 tortillas, and, on the other side of the plate, prawns, green onions and mushrooms, guacamole, with rice underneath.
The trip was perfect in every way. Our two friends who backed out on us at the last minute, decided it wouldn't be fair to stick Jamorra and me with the entire hotel bill, so they’re both pitching in (one has paid and the other has promised to do so tomorrow). But, as luck would have it, two other friends, along with one of their sons, met us on Saturday to hang out. After disembarking the BART, which we took from SFO to

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
My trip approacheth
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Adventures in Parenthood
I went off and forgot my child today. Let me back up a bit. So yesterday I came home from work and the house was dark. I called out my boys name and he didn’t call back, so I immediately whipped out my cell phone and started dialing his number. It went to voicemail so panic began to rain down on me. I called him again and this time he picked up. “Hi Mom,” he said all chipper and nonchalant “I’m just getting out of track practice.”
“Huh?” I said, because I didn’t even know that school had resumed from winter break L On Monday’s, school starts after 9am (bank time or whatever, for the teachers) so he gets himself there in the morning without my help. Thankfully, he remembered that school had resumed and got himself up yesterday, like normal, and off to school like a responsible kid. Well, today, Tuesday, I got up, dragged myself around the house until I was dressed and ready to leave, and then I hopped in my car and left for work, not giving it a second thought. Somewhere around 8am, in the midst of me placing a pancake order with the cafeteria lady at my job, my cell phone started to ring. I noticed that it was coming from my home number. “Mom, where are you!?!?!” my son said, sounding like he’d just woken up. “You forgot to take me to school!”
I truly must be getting old because I had forgotten just that quick that school was back in session. No, wait, I can’t even blame this on old age because back when he was in third grade I mixed up the week of spring break and he ended up missing a whole week of school, in addition to the week of break, behind my absentmindedness. I remember getting a clue when we were in Best Buy one day during the supposed break and ran into one of his classmates who asked him where he’d been all week. I thought the little girl was either crazy or really asking him what he’d done during his break. Then, the following week, we got up, got dressed and drove to the school only to discover that it was completely locked up and (after driving to one of his friends’ houses and knocking on their door at 7am) that nobody would be there for a week because it was, in fact, spring break. My son was so happy when he got back into the car that he couldn't contain his smile. I, on the other hand, was mortified.
Monday, January 10, 2011
I hate you, Monday.
This morning my alarm clock decided to play games with me and didn’t go off. I rolled over thinking it was 5am-ish and time to make my bathroom run then climb back into bed for a quick cat nap, only to discover that it was actually 6:50am, instead! I leapt out of bed and hauled ass, brushed my teeth while making my bed, couldn’t find my gray shell to go with my gray cardigan so I had to figure out something else to wear, and everything else needed ironing. Ugh. My intention was to arrive to work on time this morning, looking well put together and smiling, but that didn’t happen. I barely made it in, 10 minutes behind schedule, and looking like I threw something on. It’s going to take me a while to thaw out and clear this fog out of my head. Meanwhile, I have two tons of stuff to do and people staring in my face looking for me to be chipper. I don’t drink coffee so they’re going to have to wait for nature to take its course. I just want to go home and snuggle up with my pillow until noon. Monday’s should be eased into. I believe it’s unhealthy to shock the cardiovascular system this way. Someone needs to change the law so that we begin our Monday work days at 1pm and end them at 4. Bah.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
A different animal
I always say that I don’t get out enough and it’s true. Last night proved it to me. I’ve never been anywhere where my race didn’t matter. Well, among those of my own race, it’s not a major issue. I feel as though I’m part of the group. But everywhere else I’ve been where the majority of people are of another race, I’ve stood out and felt the divide, regardless of any politically correct intentions.
A friend of mines is from
Throughout the evening, a white guy named Billy kept stopping by us. He was making his rounds as if he was the host of the bar and wanted to make sure everyone was having a good time. He bought us drinks and cracked jokes; he’s a very warm spirited person and he holds his beer with his amputated arm. It’s amazing the dexterity he has with it. 25% of a full arm and he’s waving it around with confidence, using what looks like two fingers on the end of it to grip his beer to his chest, and speaking with it. You know how some people speak with their hands and make grand gestures with their arms? That’s Billy. He sounds like Ty Pennington, the host of the show Extreme Home Makeover, but stands roughly 5 feet 8 inches high and has a beer gut that makes him look 3 months pregnant. His story is that he got his heart broken by his longtime sweetheart, ShaKeisha, moved to Havasu and developed an ugly drug habit. Then one day he kicked the habit, came home to Monrovia, got his HVAC license, bought a house and started a heating and air conditioning business. Every guy in there last night, ranging in age from roughly 22 to 38, either owned a home, a business, or both. But just by looking at them, you could never tell. All night, people were coming up to us and hugging us both, briefly catching up with my girlfriend, sharing pictures of kids on their cellphones.
Then there was the very attractive Latino bartender who is legendarily (is that a word?) faithful to his girlfriend. At first he seems a bit shy, only briefly making eye contact and moving very fast to mix drinks and serve them up. My friend says that she used to think he was gay because no matter how pretty the girl's were that hit on him, he ignored them all and always went on about his business of bar tending. Then Billy told us how his rumored aloofness had attracted some very attractive ladies to the bar one night, who's intent was strictly to bed him and nothing else. They propositioned him with this request, assuring him that no strings need be attached, and he very famously smiled and turned them down. No numbers were exchanged in secret, nothing, which made him even more attractive and a challenge to others. What also intrigued me about him was that he could hear everything! No matter that the karaoke singers were screaming into the mic, the music itself was loud, and the patrons standing around the bar were all yelling at one another, he still heard me mention to my friend that I wanted a cherry in my drink. He wasn't even near me or looking at me when I said it to her. And it's not typical to put a cherry in a cup of water.
Back outside on the patio, I was fishing around in my drink for the Maraschino cherry that had sunk to the bottom of the cup, because I wanted to eat it and toss the drink. When asked what I was doing I said “I’m trying to get my cherry out,” and immediately knew how that sounded. Immediately, a big burly, 6 foot-forever white guy with a full, dark beard chimed in “Oh, I can get that cherry out for you, baby…easily.” I “haha’d” nervously and turned my attention back to my friend and Jessie and Billy. Just 20 minutes later he came back to our circle to hit on my friend, saying he’d heard she was a church girl. “I’m a church boy!” he told her, proving that they had something in common. But once she started questioning him on hymn's and such, he began to ease away, plan foiled, mission abort. It was really a sight to see.