Monday, January 3, 2011

This is not a new years resolution

Okay, okay, this year I'm getting serious, Jack. No more excuses, I'm making my health a priority beginning tomorrow. I will find the time to run, walk, jog, aerobicize, weight lift, and get physically fit. I've got the Eye of the Tiger - GRRrrrowr! And this is not a new year's resolution, I assure you. It's just a coincidence that I'm deciding to do this so early in the year :). For real! If you've been paying any attention, you'll recall that I've been worried about my heart health for well over a year now. I tried being vegan, I tried the gym, I tried cutting back on trans fats in order to lower my cholesterol and I tried discussing my cholesterol-lowering alternatives with a short little quack pot of an Asian man who calls himself a doctor. Four flaming failures were the results. This time, I'm moving my health from the back burner to the forefront and giving it adequate attention.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can RUN and transform my body into a well-oiled, healthy, highly functioning machine. At least I'm amped right now to do so. Let's hope I can keep up the momentum. Black Girls Run will help motivate me (see blog roll on the right).
Last week, a friend and I went for a brisk walk around the Rosebowl and when we were almost finished, I glanced to my left (the golf course was on my immediate right, the street was on my left and above that was a dirt hill with vegetation) I saw a coyote! Yes, not a dog, a coyote. I knew precisely what he was because my son used to be a huge fan of coyotes and I'd seen them hanging around Griffith Park in the early morning. Clearly, this wild dog was searching for food. He'd come all the way down the San Gabriel mountains, past more than a dozen neighborhood's, around Brookside Golf Course, and finally to that little hill across the street from where we were walking. I was only a little bit unnerved. The plan was to divert attention away from me and onto the folks ahead of us, if necessary. Next time I go, I'll be armed with pepper spray and a big stick.

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