So my weekend was great. I got some much needed retail therapy, got dolled up and went dancing twice, ate very well, saw a movie, spent time with family and friends, went to an outdoor concert, and met two new frogs. The 41 year old “marry me!” frog seems to have finally given up. Daniel, on the other hand, has called me three times since my last post about frogs, and he’s been true to his every word since we spent the weekend together in Vegas two weeks ago. He’s throwing me for a loop. I usually know how, when, and where these things will end before they do and every time I think I have things pegged with him, he proves me wrong. He’s pulling me in more and more, threatening to steal my cool if I’m not careful (“Be cool, Ice Cold”). I'm looking forward to learning more about him but I can’t drop my guards. He still has too many cons and not enough pros. Hopefully, the two new frogs that I met over the weekend will serve as much needed distractions from him and keep me from losing myself. One is from the Caribbean as well, though I haven’t asked exactly where in the Caribbean hes from yet. Tonight I’ll sit still long enough to call him back and find out more. He’s funny, I know that, and he seems fun to be around. The other frog is an artsy-fartsy 27 year old Aquarius – the second water bearer in two months. Daniel is also an Aquarius. Normally, I wouldn't give astrology a second thought but I've been hanging out with my woo-woo/”signs” friend a lot lately and she’s beginning to rub off on me. Anyway, he paints and does tattoos, lives in L.A. and…he handed me his business card almost as if he was giving me a sales pitch rather than a “lets go out and see if we’d make a good pair” pitch. I’m not sure what to make of that. I mean, yeah, it’s still his phone number and it makes more sense to just give me a business card than have me write the number down or save it in my phone, right? But everybody gets/got a business card. Prior to that, he kept looking at me and walking around my blanket at the reggae fest where we met. Then, when he finally walked over to me and we spoke I was positively clear about my interests. I asked him his age and if he was single and he said ‘yes’ so he has to know that I’m interested in more than art and tattoo’s, right? Then why did he offer to give me a tattoo? Maybe he just didn't want to come off a certain way (i.e., skeevy or pressed)? I see I’ll need a strategy for this one. But it's good practice. I’m getting my dating “sea legs” back quickly :) Thank goodness.
*the photo above is me at the UCLA Reggae Festival
Nice pic. And you cannot go wrong with an Aquarius..you should know that buddy
Thanks. You're right, we Aquariuses are pretty gatdamn awesome.
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