Today I thought I was doing something when I purchased a six pack of Mike’s Hard Classic Margarita’s in peach flavor. Turns out I haven’t done shit but get laughed at. “That’s a wine cooler! You won’t even get a buzz from one of those,” I was told.
Oh, well. But fuck it, I tried. You’re probably wondering why I have such a potty mouth today (oh, and believe me, I’m being GOOD! This is nothing like what’s going on in my head right now. I’m censoring the SHIT out of myself). Well, it’s because I’m frustrated with all this pent up desire in me. This is some bullshit and I seriously need to release it…on somebody. But, there’s no one around that will make the effort satisfactory. And that’s a damn shame.
I went to the reggae club with my cousin last night and they hardly played any reggae. But these two young men with a thousand times my energy level were dancing like maniacs. It was pretty entertaining. They had total control of their bodies and were busting moves I could only dream of. My cousin thought they were on drugs. She thinks everyone is on drugs. It was truly fascinating. Other than that, the club was a huge disappointment. We left at about a quarter to one. Tonight I’ll be at the oontz oontz club with my Mexican friend and a couple of others. I’m only going because I’m hoping to get lucky. Not like that! By lucky I mean that I’m hoping to meet someone with good conversation, a great personality, and a winning appearance that digs me and wants to try to talk me out of my clothes sometime in the near future. That’s all.
I’m pretty sure I was dissed by Artist Boy so I’m sort of licking my ego’s wounds right now. And since I am a glutton for punishment, here’s how my dissing went down:
Me: Hi
Him: Hey How Are you
Me: I'm good, thank you I was wondering if you'd like to go with me to see the graffiti exhibit at MOCA...if you haven't seen it already?
Him: *silence for two days
Me: I'm guessing your silence means you've either seen the exhibit already or you're just not interested. It's okay either way. But could you let me know which? I hate to assume. thx
Him: Hey No been hella busy ... I just dont have alot of free time right now I have a Project in the works .
Me: No worries. May I ask what kind of project youre working on?
Him: Im working on the gallery space
Me: (19 hours later) Best of luck.
I didn’t reply with “best of luck” until after I saw him tagged in a post saying “Excited to have the talented *Somebody’s name here* and *Artist guy’s name here* on board with the gallery/studio. Climbing that Mountain.”
Yes, I was salty.
Then, after he was tagged in that post, he posted “Focused” and an hour after that he posted “Grinding.” So I’m guessing he wanted to make sure I got the picture. Which is, he’s not interested in me but he thinks he’s too nice to just come out and say it. I don’t think he’s nice at all, really. Nice would have been shooting me down the way Jeff Bridges did “Little Blackie” the horse when “Blackie” fell from exhaustion (I winced so hard on that part. Poor horsie. After all he’d gone through). I’m of the opinion that NOBODY is that busy. We make time for the things we want to do. And he clearly does not want to do me. He didn’t even offer me a raincheck. And honestly, I only wanted to hug and kiss on him and claim him for a little while. He’s not particularly sexy but he is easy on the eyes. My brother thinks he’s gay. I love my brother. So, c’est la vie, Artist Guy. Thanks to you, I’m not trying anymore. I am officially jaded. Fuck all this shit. I can feel my heart going cold as I sip on my room-temperature peach margarita wine cooler.
There's a fucking swallow who has decided to make the tree directly outside my bedroom window his base. Every evening and sometimes during the wee hours of the morning, he starts chirping and yodeling his little ass off. It's like one of those multi-tune car alarms. I hate that damn bird. I have wanted to shoot him for weeks now. A friend recently told me that's his booty call. He's chirping up a storm because he's looking for love, the poor sap. I need to buy a bb gun and put him out of his misery.
:( busy is busy to so many folks I know... that's their excuse for "I'm not trying to keep up with you even though I do love you." so, I offer the same to them as well. I cut back on checking in or on them. but, a guy I barely know? eh, water under the bridge. you may have dodged a pretty hefty bullet there, lady... embrace it~
Yeah, its sobering, thats for sure. But certainly not enough to send me to the dumps. I've been trying to force what should come naturally, what can't be rushed. I'm not on my time, I'm on Gods, and I need to remember that. Nothing before it's time ;) I've always been patient but something has come over me the last few months or so. it all started when I hugged island boy, smh. What a reminder of what I'd been missing. Wow. I didn't even know it before then.
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