Saturday, November 5, 2011

I want to give up. I am so stressed right now and jaded about everything, i just dont give a damn. I'm hanging on by a thread. I haven't cleaned up in a week, you should see my kitchen :( my hair is a mess, I'm not even motivated enough to care about my health. I didn't cook dinner last night. Instead I ordered spicy seafood fried rice and loafed around the house in bummy clothing for most of the day. I told myself that I'd get up early and go for a run or a walk today. It's 10:20am and I'm still in bed. This sucks. I hate this feeling, like I'm helpless, like I can't win for losing. And to be honest, I haven't really lost much. I'm just frustrated that I'm not moving forward at the pace I want to move at. I hope this is just pms, because then it will be over in a week or two. I need to go walk. I'm going to force myself to get out and walk. I could use the endorphins.


trE said...

I hope you were able to force yourself to get up, out, and walk. I also hope that you're feeling much better today. :)

Me said...

I did, Tre :) and the walk did me some good. It's been raining so the air was fresh and crisp for a change, I played some uplifting music on my iPod, and put everything into perspective. One thing I'm not is a quitter. I stop at roadblocks and get stuck from time to time, but I always find a way out. So I went for my walk, I cleaned up my kitchen, I washed my jacked up hair, lol, and I focused on perfecting my game plan.