Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Children - a rant

The costs of having and raising children greatly outweigh the benefits. Yet, despite this fact and this God-forsaken economy, many idiots are still getting themselves knocked up willingly. It’s mind-boggling, like a self-inflicted paper cut. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves? As a parent of one (and done), let me tell you, I am an authorized spokesperson and certified expert on the matter of parenting. And my studies show that, in exchange for having to spend thousands of dollars every year, parents get to become indentured servants for 18+ years to a whiny freeloader/s, changing shitty diapers/shitty clothing, possibly getting peed in the eye, enduring rancid bedroom and foot odors that permeate throughout the rest of the house, raucous sleepovers during school holidays that don’t necessarily coincide with work holidays, lousy children’s’ movies, sleepless nights, less sex, viruses, spam and spyware on the family computer as a result of secret porn viewing, excessive worrying, stress, tension, frustration, rebellion, entitlement, getting raped by afterschool care and the school bookstore for suspiciously lost or overdue books, among many, many other things. It’s much more than a laundry list, trust me.  You can fool yourself into believing that you are the one in control but let me warn you, YOU ARE NOT.  Nor will you ever be.  Good luck trying to have a battle of wits with a crying newborn, a tantrum throwing 2 year old, or a rebellious teenager.  Who do you think will get the best of whom? Think about it. Who's actually winning those battles?  If you care even a shred, you'll be on the losing end more often than not. 
No one in their right mind would sign up to pay for this thankless job. On the contrary, no matter how well you do as a parent, if your kid, who has a mind of his own, fucks up, society blames YOU. Yes, that’s right. You get no thanks, no recognition for raising responsible adults who might be an asset to society, but you will get ostracized if your kid grows up and becomes an asshole, despite your best intentions and efforts to prevent it. And what kid doesn’t have a mind of their own? Genes be damned. It’s totally a crap shoot.  Don’t fool yourself into believing otherwise.
Frankly, I am of the opinion that my retirement savings is infinitely more important than a teenager driving or having a college savings account. I paid for my own college and continue to do so. It’s the gift that I continue to give myself, reluctantly, and is the way of the free world. But the buck has to stop somewhere so in my mind kids should fund their own education and lifestyles once they turn 18. It’s only right. But don’t think that I don’t love my kid, because I do. Otherwise, I would have quit this job years ago. It’s not his fault that I allowed myself to get knocked up, decided to carry him to term and keep him. And for whatever its worth, he has brought a smile to my face on more than a few occasions over the many, many years we've been together. However, when it comes time for me to rest and count down my days on this Earth, I am not wholly confident that I can count on him for support. So what good is he? Lol. The money that I'm spending on him I could be using to fund my retirment.  Undoubtedly, he will continue to lean on and leech off of me for years to come, well beyond his 20s and quite possibly a bit into his 30s. As will his children.  I’ve seen it happen to others time and time again. Now, I won’t leave him out on the porch when his 18th birthday arrives; I will continue to help him. But there are limits. Just like how Uncle Sam took away my $1500 child tax credit when he turned 17 last November (curses! @#$%%^! It’s not like I suddenly stopped taking care of my child last year. I deserve that credit, you rotten bastards!), I am taking that money back from him the minute he turns 18 this year, meaning he’ll get far less perks than before. And by March of this year, he’d better have a job or be doing something very productive with his time or else all hell will break loose in my house. Let freedom ring.
Now having said all that let me also let the record reflect that my kid is a good kid.  He’s kind, caring, responsible enough that I don’t lose sleep, respectful, drug-free, gang-free, modest, funny, sweet, and normal.  But he still costs money, lol.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

When you're with people you love, watching a movie outside, having brunch, exploring...time stands still. The rest of the world doesn't occupy your mind. The focus of your existence is your love, being loved, and being happy. It's the most comforting aspect of life. This morning I woke up (thank God) and started perusing Pinterest. A friend of mines is a gardener but not the type that mows lawns; she takes care of plants and flowers. She brought me a bowl of succulents to plant the other day and i need ideas on what to plant them in. And on her pin board there was this photo. It stopped me dead in my tracks. I could see myself in that photo with people I care about. And we'd be happy and nothing more on earth would matter.I miss that feeling, living that way. I still get to experience it with my son, mom and extended family but it's not the same as when my son was little and we had our family. I'm the type of mon who makes candy apples just because, who turns movie night into a treat with homemade caramel popcorn and fancy desserts, complete with blankets, pillows, and surround sound in the living room, and sometimes in my bedroom. But he's growing up now and soon he'll be wanting to spend that time with a girlfriend, then eventually a wife and kids of his own. By then, I suppose I'll be that type of grandma. But until then, who will I have to spend those times with? This is when I miss my ex the most. We did all of that and then some. I cherish those memories. They are a good contrast to the things about him that weren't good.
Anyway, I have to get up from here, exercise, shower, wash my hair, and drive to Pomona for a housewarming. Have a great day :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

I don't know why I'm up

My pillow is too flat so I tossed and turned a lot. Dreamed i was in Sweden (I was reading The Girl Who Played with Fire before bed. It's set in Sweden). It's almost 4am and I have to get dressed for work in two hours. I miss him. When I used to wake up like this, he'd help me get back to sleep. I try not to think about it but I'm constantly being reminded of the good things about him. I have to remind myself of the not-so-good things and why I left. Doesnt make it easier, though. We could've had it all (c) Adele.
It's hard. Where did my life go? Time is just too fast. And unforgiving.
Ive been meaning to replace these pillows for a few weeks now. Maybe I'll make my way to Walmart this weekend.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letting go of childish things

I've outgrown a lot of things that I used to enjoy, but old habits are sometimes hard to break. I think it would help if I had something to replace them with. I sort of do; the caveat is that I have to do it enough for it to become a habit, replacing the old habit. I need change fast, though, because these old things that I've outgrown are beginning to bug the shit out of me.
A friend of mines seems to have the same problem. She'll be 38 next month and every time she's bored her go-to remedy is the club. I'm not really into clubs and that scene, and the times that I've gone out with her remind me why. She gets drunk and loose, too loose for my taste. The men are usually stuck up, the women tend to be bitches, it's always dark as hell and even though I'm not drunk, I feel like I am because I can't see shit. It's a waste of good clothes and hair, if you ask me. But she's so accustomed to being a party girl I'm convinced she doesn't know what else to do with herself. Boredom is the devil. I think my catalyst for change will be my sewing machine. Eventually, I see it changing my life. I just have to make it a habit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me…

…and I’m feeling good. Woke up this morning right on schedule and didn’t feel tired at all. I slept so well that the bed was practically still made when I got out of it. I even had time to make myself some oatmeal and try something different with my hair. I’m not stressed, not even about the things I could be stressed about. Why worry? Life happens. I haven’t been sweating much of anything lately, which is coo-de-la in my book. Today the plant maintenance lady at my job put me on to some spectacular container gardens on Pinterest, some of which I plan to emulate. I strung solar lights around the top of my pergola a couple of weeks ago and every evening when they’re lit up, twinkling in the dark backyard, I beam. It’s going to be great sitting out there in the spring and summer with the fire pit lit, blankets and beverages at dusk. I’ve been really minding my money lately, though, so I’m doing things slowly. I don’t have the clams to blow on a complete yard make-over in one sitting. But I’m still loving my gardener! I’m so glad that I decided to hire help. My son always did a half assed job. Anyway, I don’t have much to say today except that I’m in good spirits, feeling cozy in this rainy weather, and looking forward to more good days to come.
I'm looking at facebook right now and the daughter of a family friend posted a picture of herself captioned "pretty girl swag" and my first thought was "all the weave in the world won't be able to detract from that ugly face you have." I don't like her or her mother, mainly because they don't like me and neither have a reason not to, lol.  Well, other than the fact that they're both unattractive, I guess.
Anywhoo, enjoy your day, please.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I expect that this year will be quite memorable. I’m anticipating many life changing events to occur. For one, this is my son’s final year of high school, which means that I will officially be done parenting. My job will become that of Lead Consultant :) and mentor. He is now a young man, on his way to becoming a grown man, and I am confident that I have taught him well. Now his life is his to decide and I hope he makes wise enough choices (with my guidance, of course). As he is putting around through his life, whenever he reaches an impasse or crossroads, he can call on me for advice and guidance. But all of his decisions once he graduates and turns 18 will be solely his to make. He will have to be the advocate of his fate. I’m going to try to make the transition as seamless and stress free as possible because I know the anxiety that comes with such a huge life changing event. After spending your life living the same script, once you graduate and have to begin something new (like leaving the nest) it’s pretty damn frightening, exciting, worrisome, etc.

In addition, I will have an empty nest and officially be single and free for the first time in 20 years. Wow. I was 17 years old when I met his dad. And since then, I have spent the majority of the last 20 years in a relationship and/or as a mother. By summer of this year, I will be neither in a relationship (I think) or a full time parent. I’m not sure what I will do with myself but I damn sure won’t be upset about it, lol. I’ll be free to do whatever I want! Whenever I want, however I want, with whomever I want. How amazing that will be, a new beginning for both of us, together. It’s funny to me that many of the people I know who are around my age, are all starting to get married and/or become first time parents, and I’m on a completely different path. The other day while blow drying my hair I spotted a long, silver strand in the back of my head. I gasped at first, surprised, and then I smiled. There is no way in hell I will pluck it; I earned that mother#!*@&$, and seeing it reminded me of how far I’ve come, how much I’ve accomplished, and where I am now in my life. I don’t feel old (I’m NOT old, since I started early), just much more mature, experienced and established. I no longer have daydreams of being an adult, wearing expensive heels, fancy dresses or suits, buying my first home or my first car, starting a family, or all the other romantic notions that people have before they’ve actually experienced adult life. I’ve been there, done that. These days my daydreams consist of traveling the world, starting a business, retiring early to Hawaii, and finding a partner with similar wants and needs to lie in the hammock next to me and sip mint julep lemonade, lol. Building a strong retirement portfolio stays on my mind. I’ve recently started making changes to my diet and daily routines. For one, I walk to the farmers market nearby almost every Saturday and stock up on fresh fruit and veggies. I’m in excellent shape for my age, and I’m proud of that. I look damn good in the mirror ;) Rawr! And, most importantly, I am content. I’m not rushing about, trying to get to some imaginary destination before time runs out like I was in my 20s. I’ve already made it to 30 and beyond. I’m relaxed and focused, sipping and savoring, enjoying every single moment of my life. There’s no fire to put out, no castles to build, no ground to lay. I’ve done all that, now it’s time to reap the fruits of my labor.

And since today is V-day, here’s my boo, 3-Stacks to serenade y’all. Have a happy and blessed day loving on your loved ones <3.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

They are going to beat me over the head with Vday ads until I collapse

...writhing in agony and defeat. If I see one more commercial, sitcom, billboard, or post about Valentines Day, I just might die. It's too much. Its made me realize tonight that this year will make three in a row that I have been without a Valentine, which is usually fine, it never phases me...until this year, with all this over-commercialization. I know the economy sucks but damn, man! This year sucks. This year, I actually care that I'm not living some fake, sappy love story. This year, I am even tempted to pay money and go see The Vow in theaters! What has become of me!? I'm losing. The pressure to conform has gotten to me :( My current plan is to hibernate on Vday. No television, no Internet, no leaving the house as long as I can help it. I will throw myself into sewing, cleaning and redecorating. Lest I die of sadness.
Naturally, I'm being overdramatic. I'm talking about Valentines Day. And honestly, I can't even remember the last three Valentines Days. Except one when my girlfriends wanted to all hang out and that didn't end up happening as planned. I think I might have had a Valentine in 2010 or 2011. But the fact that he wasn't memorable means my Vday still had to suck.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 MORE things that make me happy, plus 1

The first 10 things that make me happy still stand as the happiest, but here are 10 more, +1 in pictures for the heck of it: