Tuesday, April 7, 2009

10 things that make me happy

1. Cheesecake - plain is best, imo

2. Books - I collect them, I adore them, I cannot get enough of them. Currently, I'm torn between "Gary Benchely, Rock star" and "Their Eye's Were Watching God" as the book that makes me the happiest. Both have FANTASTIC characters.

3. Declutterization - Not sure that's a word but I'm ALL about removing the unnecessary objects (clutter) from my life and breathing space. Everyone should do inventory control at least once a year and clean house.

4. Kissing fish :) - They really make me happy. I had a pair when I was little and one lived for 15 years. His name was "Jaws" and he's burried under a bush in my mom's old front yard.

5. Pajamas - Was that a surprise? lol. I have a drawer stuffed full of them and have been looking for a nice lingerie cabinet for years in order to store more (I also have a ton of underwear). Nothing says comfort like a good pair of pajamas. I think better in them. I'm happiest in them.

6. Cold, windy, rainy days - Watching the rain is calming. And on days like this, it's as if the world is in the rinse cycle, getting cleaned and almost like new. I stop and take notice, as most of us should, and slow my roll. "God is at work" (c) some old person, I don't recall who .

7. Gidget - She was the shit! I watched Gidget re-runs in the 80s faithfully and was quite fond of Sally Field. There's still a soft spot in my heart for her. She was footloose and fancy-free, adventerous, funny, quirky, happy and sweet, and she rocked bikini's for most of the week and chilled on the beach w/ laid back surfers and hippies. What a life!

8. Bubble baths - They force me to meditate whilst getting clean. They're certainly the bees knees to this multitasker.

9. The ocean - Something about water. Perhaps it's my zodiac sign (Aquarius/water bearer), I dunno. But I love, love, love the ocean. It's powerful, wonderful, and relaxing. Once, in April, we sailed off to Anacapa Island and left the smog and chaos of the city in the distance. It was glorious watching all that calamity get smaller and smaller until it was out of sight, and all that was left was us and nature. It's the epitome of smelling the flowers to me. Makes you really put things into perspective when you get such a BIG picture like that.

10. Finding money - Who in the hell wouldn't find happiness in that!?!?! :) Enough said.

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