Sunday, April 12, 2009


Every holiday gets sadder for me. My family seems to be drifting apart as I get older, as my cousins age, as my nieces and nephews grow and go on to do their own things, apart from the family. I feel like I'm an island of one. Okay, two, maybe three. This Easter was no exception. The saddest part of all is that this whole ordeal is making me want to have a bunch of kids, which is totally insane. Anyway, this Easter sucked. How could I not see this coming? Ugh. Maybe I expect too much. My mama's deviled eggs were good though, as usual.


rashad said...

This reminds me of the kinds of conversations my boys and I have at least once a month....with some exceptions of course

trE said...

I know this feeling all too well. My family drifted apart years and years ago. Since I moved to NC from GA, I prepared myself for years filled w/ loneliness and family-less holidays. I always put forth the effort to take the drive home and visit, you think those cats try to come and visit me? UM, NO... LOL... I spent Easter in church, walking Jernee, cooking, talking on the phone, reading, and relaxing. It was better than doing absolutely nothing.

Me said...

I was talking to my boss about this and he gave me a bunch of ideas to bring everyone back together. He goes all out for Passover and while I'm not able to go as far as he does (he's LOADED), I'm going to give it one more shot before I give up on my fam. As it stands, all we do is eat and talk and with all of the kids now teens and/or grown, they're naturally drifting to find more interesting things to do. I just hate that they don't have it instilled in them to be more family oriented. I wish I could ask my grandmother what she did.