Thursday, April 16, 2009


I could bite the head off a little chick right now. Or better yet, my ex. He is on some special sauce this week. I have no idea how I lasted as long as I did in that relationship but I finally feel like my "Patience of a Saint" trophy is truly deserved (thanks Pat). I will cherish that cute little malibu barbie until she can no longer stand proudly on her pedestal (pics and backstory soon come. it's really one of the cutest and most thoughtful gifts I've ever been given.)
Anyway, so I've given this idiot (my ex, if yall can't keep up) so much, helped him out in SO many ways, and what do I get today when I'm trying to continue my nobel reign of support in the face of HIS miserable lifes bullshit?? Shit. I got shit, yall. This asshole snubbed me and my sincere offer to assist him with his wack ass life, as if I hadn't been the only person on Earth helping him for almost half my life (it went both ways at first but now it's leaning heavily to one side). I really didn't deserve that. Now, I won't divulge all of my business online but suffice it to say that he is royally getting the fuck over right now yet he still insists on acting like a little entitled bitch, as if he's not getting the fuck over right now, but I refuse to believe that I spent almost half of my life with an idiot, and you'd have to be an idiot not to see that he's getting the fuck over right now. I refuse to believe that. I did not spend almost half of my life with a zip damn fool. But I am a child of God, you see, so I will not let him buckle my stride nor take me down that miserable road with his miserable good for nothing ass. "He aint nothing but the devil" (c) Tanya's grandma.
Starting today, I am going to cease communication, or just keep it to a minimum since we do have a child in common, and let his retarded ass fall on his stupid face. My life is peachy right now :) Sucks to be him. Fucking bitch.

Anyway, so the backstory on the trophy goes like this: My dear old buddy old pal, Patty and I were once sharing a joke about this annoying little woman named Marilou getting awarded our company's "Traveling Trophy," which is really just a Barbie doll with pom-poms hoisted up on a little pedestal with Marilou's name engraved on it. Pat said that I really deserved that trophy because I had to put up with my insufferable (at the time. he's gotten 100 times better) boss, which was no easy task by any stretch of the imagination. So we laughed, we cried (from laughing) and we went to lunch. A week later, Patty calls me up and says to come and meet her outside. I go, and she hands me a Converse shoe box. I raise an eyebrow, a bit puzzled but I am not one to frown at a gift so I opened it. Inside was a BLACK (Black was important because I had complained one year about the lack of Black dolls on the market during the holidays and almost got kicked out of Target, lol) Malibu Barbie doll standing on a pedestal that was engraved with "Patience of a Saint" and my full government name on it. To say I was touched wouldn't be enough. I am still in love with my Barbie and she sits proudly on my desk a whole three years later, hair just as crinkly as ever, smiling for all assholes to see. And today's episode with King Loser proves that my patience still hasn't worn thin. I haven't lost my cool :)
*knock on wood


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your ex! he has helped you prove time and time again that you do indeed deserve that award! Oy men!
Dude i cant believe you remembered the converse box and everything! LOL!
Dude good luck with all.

trE said...

Bless you, I thought I was the only true "patient" person around. It does my heart good to know that someone else turns a cheek when the bullshit becomes too thick to slice... *winks* Go 'head girl!

Me said...

It's sooo challenging though, mindful. I'm trying but people just LOVE to try you. You are much more patient than me though. I'm trying to get like YOU! So cool, always collected.

Me said...

Of COURSE I remembered, Pat! It isn't often that someone puts that much thought into a gift for me :). And you've been the beez-knees ever since. So thankful to have you as a friend.