Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I have a lot on my mind right now and I'm not sure how to get it all off. It's 10:32pm, a half hour and 2 minutes past my weekday bedtime. It's amazing how things can go from sugar to shit in a days time. Just the other day I was even-steven, floating on a cloud, no worries, no stress. Now today someone I care a great deal about may be losing their job and I stumbled upon some info that I can't even bring myself to type here. But suffice it to say that the shit wasn't good news. I'm not totally down, though. I am a little worried, sad, but not without hope and confidence that my fluffy cloud will reappear and I can hop back on it with ease. Tomorrow is a new day. And this is not the worse that could happen, thank God. Things will turn up roses...soon enough.
I should really be in bed. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

1 comment:

trE said...

Whatever it is, I pray that it passes and allows you to enjoy the goodness life provides again. Just like you, I've had my share of bad news coming the past couple of days... I'm still dealing, but I'm feeling a bit better about things because I'm still alive. Love your pictures on here, btw :)