Friday, March 30, 2012

Free Food at Work is the Debil

I fell off the no-meat wagon yesterday and paid for it last night.  It was an accident, really.  And who knew that Italian sausage (I think it was) would make me feel so terrible?  I had Louise’s penne pasta in cheese sauce with some sort of ground meat (pork?) and it was damn good…on its way going down into my belly.  But at around 3am while I lay sleeping, it started to come back up.  I felt it in my throat and had to abruptly sit up to keep from vomiting.  Twice I had to interrupt my sleep to keep from regurgitating. I felt miserable by the time I had to get up for work. And I STILL feel like there's metal in my throat at 4pm today.  All I’ve eaten was a veggie burrito, a granola bar, and a Snickers bar. So I’m swearing off that crap; nothing but fish and rabbit food for me from here on out.  I’ve learned my greedy lesson.  And to make matters worse, I think I’ve regained the 5 pounds that I’d lost.  The good thing is that I love veggies, bread, and pasta.


rashad said...

Damn..I almost gave in my damn self to have some chik-fil-a, but I stayed strong. this entry will keep me that way

trE said...

I doubt I would have been able to turn down that dish either. It sounds incredibly delectable. I hope you're feeling better now though!

Me said...

I think there mustve been something wrong with the food, not that that makes things any better but I'm not so sure I got sick because I ate meat. I havent been meat-free long enough for my body to reject it the way it did. I think it may have been undercooked or tainted in some way :( Nevertheless, I am still swearing off pork, beef, and chicken. So far, so good.