Friday, September 21, 2012

Graham crackers for breakfast

Because I can’t bring myself to walk all the way across campus to the cafeteria for pancakes or French toast. It’s one of those mornings. So glad it’s Friday, though. And the first day of fall is tomorrow :) I’m so ready for hot cocoa and fuzzy socks, comfort food, dreary days and blustery nights. I’m planning to have my crock pot and oven doing overtime as soon as it the temperature drops. It’s cooler than it has been but not cool enough to crank up the oven. Last night both my son and I had to leave our puppy for 3 hours, alone at home in his crate and he was so utterly distraught. His front paws were soaked up to the joints with his drool and his heart was pounding by the time I’d come home to let him out. And then, he was so worked up, that he ran all through the house and outside into the yard. I hate when he’s like this. It’s so hard leaving him and not being able to calm his fears. He’s such a sweet, obedient puppy, he doesn’t even bark at us. This weekend I’m going to try to train him to be alone in the house without us. I just don’t know if he’ll be able to stay inside without being in his kennel and not destroying the place. I’ve become so attached to him.

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