I did nothing I set out to do yesterday afternoon. I’d written a list of things to do before leaving work yesterday. It was my only free afternoon/evening until Friday of this week so I wanted to be productive. Yet I got home and did none of what I’d planned to do. Well, I cooked dinner, that’s about the only thing from my list that got done. Sad, aint it? My dog distracts me, he’s just SO CUDDLY! © Little girl from Despicable Me. Plus the 2nd Presidential debate was on TV and I wanted to see it since I’d missed 75% of the first one. I have to get a strong hold of my time. All I seem to be doing is wasting it nowadays and that’s not good for all these plans I have. Granted, I don’t want to run myself ragged – going to work every day and then filling my evenings every night with things other than eating and resting – but I’ve got to do something. I can’t sit around waiting for things to happen to me. I want way too much. My supplemental property tax bill arrived in the mail yesterday, too, and even though I have my mortgage company take out a little with my monthly payment all year long, that high number on the bill still sank my stomach. I hate that I have to pay damn near 5k a year on property taxes on my little old house. So, of course, I checked to see if property values had declined in my area so that maybe I could be reassessed for a smaller amount, but no dice. It seems real estate is making a major rebound here. Dah well. I hear that interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in YEARS but I don’t know enough about refinancing to feel confident doing so. Too much to do and learn, and there’s no room at the top of my list for learning how to refinance right now, unfortunately. But no complaints here. I’m alive and well and moving and shaking. Life is good.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Much ado about nothing
I did nothing I set out to do yesterday afternoon. I’d written a list of things to do before leaving work yesterday. It was my only free afternoon/evening until Friday of this week so I wanted to be productive. Yet I got home and did none of what I’d planned to do. Well, I cooked dinner, that’s about the only thing from my list that got done. Sad, aint it? My dog distracts me, he’s just SO CUDDLY! © Little girl from Despicable Me. Plus the 2nd Presidential debate was on TV and I wanted to see it since I’d missed 75% of the first one. I have to get a strong hold of my time. All I seem to be doing is wasting it nowadays and that’s not good for all these plans I have. Granted, I don’t want to run myself ragged – going to work every day and then filling my evenings every night with things other than eating and resting – but I’ve got to do something. I can’t sit around waiting for things to happen to me. I want way too much. My supplemental property tax bill arrived in the mail yesterday, too, and even though I have my mortgage company take out a little with my monthly payment all year long, that high number on the bill still sank my stomach. I hate that I have to pay damn near 5k a year on property taxes on my little old house. So, of course, I checked to see if property values had declined in my area so that maybe I could be reassessed for a smaller amount, but no dice. It seems real estate is making a major rebound here. Dah well. I hear that interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in YEARS but I don’t know enough about refinancing to feel confident doing so. Too much to do and learn, and there’s no room at the top of my list for learning how to refinance right now, unfortunately. But no complaints here. I’m alive and well and moving and shaking. Life is good.
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