Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How confusing the term 'cock' is

Back in the late 80s/early 90s, many Black folks used the term 'cock' when describing female genitalia. It must've been a white person who co-opted the term and turned it pornographic because it took the rest of us a while to catch on to what they clearly knew all along. And when we did, we totally blew it. Maybe a farmer or someone from Kentucky coined it. Anyway, back in the early 90s when this word started to really catch on, my cousin came to live with us and her good gal pal talked her into doing phone sex for a living. Welp, her shift was during the late night/wee hours, naturally, so in order to not wake anyone up (except me :/) she would drag the phone into my room all the way at the end of the hall at night and get her smut on. Of course I eavesdropped and once I heard her say something along the lines of "mmm, baby, I really want you to lick my cock..." meaning pussy. And then, suddenly, her voice changed and she started to defend herself, lol. Her caller had become quite irate and was going OFF. I could hear him through the phone, hysterical. No more hushed whispers at all. He said something about "transvestite" and shortly after that debacle, she lost her gig. She, and all her friends, honestly thought that cock was another term for vagina. She was baffled, until she talked to a family friend who happened to be the receptionist at Hustler magazine at the time. It all got straightened out and she's been in the know ever since. Although, she never went back to doing phone sex.


Anonymous said...

Um yeah valerie idk which is which...thats why i never say the word cock other than to call a mutha fucka a "cock sucker" cause either way its kind of insulting :) Do u know I thought I was the only one who thought I didnt know what that word meant?? That totally hilarious!!!!!!!

Me said...

lol. kind of insulting? thems fighting words! i know who this is even w/out the signature. :)

trE said...

I'm dying over here about this. LOL... I hate the term, btw...

Me said...

yeah, i'm not a fan of that word, either. i'm pretty much a (semi)prudish, pansy, believe it or not, lol. i much prefer calling someone a bitch.