I’m just playing girl ;) But I’m drinking milk! And yesterday I was floating like a butterfly, stinging like a bumble bee, and soon I just may be able to spar with you in the ring!
I feel like a champ this morning. After work yesterday my son’s dad and his brother stopped by to help him get into shape for football season. Keeping my goal of being “Fly in July” in mind, I decided to get up off the couch and go out back to join them. I took my jump rope with me, thinking I’d just skip some rope (like Muhammed Ali himself) while I had the company. The next thing I know, I’m wearing the pink boxing gloves (pink for breast cancer) I bought last year that have been collecting dust in my closet, and I’m jabbing, dodging, and upper-cutting the mitts on my ex’s hands like I’m Laila and the mitts are my bosses round, cherub face. When he started imitating my boss, menacingly telling me to deliver “TPS reports” and goofy stuff like that, I was trying to Pacquiao his hands, son! I had my ipod plugged into my Bose docking station sitting in the window and – you guessed it – Eye of the Tiger was pumping out on repeat. I am so sick of that song, now, lol. I’m thinking about deleting it from my playlist.
When I went back inside, I happily placed a big, black X on my calendar indicating that I had broke a sweat on March 4th :) Then the endorphins, coupled with a nice, warm shower had me calling hogs by 10pm. I slept like an infant.
Today I’ll go for my daily walk at lunch, then when I get home I’ll jump some more rope, do some push ups, crunches and squats. I gave up on Hungry Girl’s website for the moment and started perusing webmd.com for food tips. So far, so good, I haven’t had junk food since Friday *knock on wood.
I feel like a champ this morning. After work yesterday my son’s dad and his brother stopped by to help him get into shape for football season. Keeping my goal of being “Fly in July” in mind, I decided to get up off the couch and go out back to join them. I took my jump rope with me, thinking I’d just skip some rope (like Muhammed Ali himself) while I had the company. The next thing I know, I’m wearing the pink boxing gloves (pink for breast cancer) I bought last year that have been collecting dust in my closet, and I’m jabbing, dodging, and upper-cutting the mitts on my ex’s hands like I’m Laila and the mitts are my bosses round, cherub face. When he started imitating my boss, menacingly telling me to deliver “TPS reports” and goofy stuff like that, I was trying to Pacquiao his hands, son! I had my ipod plugged into my Bose docking station sitting in the window and – you guessed it – Eye of the Tiger was pumping out on repeat. I am so sick of that song, now, lol. I’m thinking about deleting it from my playlist.
When I went back inside, I happily placed a big, black X on my calendar indicating that I had broke a sweat on March 4th :) Then the endorphins, coupled with a nice, warm shower had me calling hogs by 10pm. I slept like an infant.
Today I’ll go for my daily walk at lunch, then when I get home I’ll jump some more rope, do some push ups, crunches and squats. I gave up on Hungry Girl’s website for the moment and started perusing webmd.com for food tips. So far, so good, I haven’t had junk food since Friday *knock on wood.
I am so proud of you with your can't beat Laila Ali, but would damn sure try self... YAY Val... Before you know it, you'll be 'round there cheesing like a mug w/ your altered look... I can see you now. Good luck girl!
Other songs that are good to box to
1)Ambitionz as a Ridah -2pac
2)Get At Me Dog - DMX
YAY! Good work!
GOOD LUCK and keep it up! :)
Thanks you guys :). Your support means everything to me. Day 8 and still no junk food. Okay, wait...I did eat a handful of flaming hot Lays today but that was it. Not a cookie has touched these lips and I'm staying active :D
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