The cooking class was a success. Mostly because just about everything - the cutting, the chopping, the steaming, and one batch of the chicken - was
already prepared for us! Our instructor did have the courtesy of telling us how she seared the chicken and put it in the oven prior to our arrival, and how she steamed the rice over a pot of boiling water. However, hearing how it was done isn't the same as learning
how to do it ourselves. You don't exactly learn how to cook by watching the Food Network or Rachel Ray. This was akin to that. The most I did was scramble an egg, soften some rice paper and roll up a spring roll (which was fun, I'll admit). Everyone rolled a spring roll but the rest of our food was prepared by the group as a whole- two people stirred sauces or blended stuff, two dumped sprouts in the pad thai, two
mushed peppers, two sauteed some chicken, etc. The peanut sauce (that was made with real peanut butter, by the way) and drizzled over the chicken satee WAS THE BIZ-OMB and I will be making it myself asap. Who knew peanut butter and peppers went so well together. MMmmmm! MMmm! The name of this class was "Thai one on," hence the title of this blog entry.

We look rusted and dusted in these pictures but here go a few. All in all, the set up was wonderful and 90% of the food was delicious (dessert SUCKED. Black rice w/ frosty coconut milk and brown sugar). Our instructor and her assistant were great. My classmates were super cool, with the exception of two Asian girls who screwed up the pad thai because they were dumping sprouts and other ingredients in the bowl with no regard for taste at all. It was basically sprouts with pad thai, rather than the other way around.

We look rusted and dusted in these pictures but here go a few. All in all, the set up was wonderful and 90% of the food was delicious (dessert SUCKED. Black rice w/ frosty coconut milk and brown sugar). Our instructor and her assistant were great. My classmates were super cool, with the exception of two Asian girls who screwed up the pad thai because they were dumping sprouts and other ingredients in the bowl with no regard for taste at all. It was basically sprouts with pad thai, rather than the other way around.
We gon' have to teach you how to incorporate your pictures into the blog entry appropriately boo boo *gives a big e-hug to you* But, man am I envious! I love pad thai (preferably shrimp pad thai) or the coconut curry chicken (I forget the actual *name*)... I would have loved to just smell the aroma w/in those walls. You guys look like you had more than just fun and that's beautiful w/in itself.
Yes! Please teach me! lol. I spent the better part of my evening trying to get those pictures up and in some sort of symmetrical order. I gave up after about 15 minutes. I did have fun and I'm pretty sure I'm going to try another class soon. We're looking at sometime in July this time. Maybe we'll make sushi next :)
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