Update on the wall: New York wallpaper Company finally got back to me about my wallpaper roll and, just as I feare
d, the roll was discontinu
ed in December 2008. I just missed it. 

jukebox cookie jar, menu holder, and refrigerator magnets

Main Entry: dream, verb Definition: To experience dreams or daydreams. Synonyms: daydream, fantasize, woolgather Main Entry: ponder Part of Speech: verb Definition: To think or think about carefully and at length. Synonyms: chew on, cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think over, think through, turn over, weigh
You really are heavy into the diner theme and it definitely suits you... I digs it. :)
I had to do something with that ugly kitchen. And one thing led to another with the diner stuff. A friend of mines got excited over the idea and would randomly bring me things she'd picked up while out shopping so my collection of items has grown exponentially. I do love it's homely, American charm though. I just wish a had a larger space to play with :(
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