Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall weather is finally here!

And I feel my hibernation senses kicking into full gear. I woke up this morning and considered turning on the heat for a little while to knock the chill off, but I grabbed my pink fluffy robe instead after fighting off the comfy-cozies keeping me in bed. 8 days after the official start of the autumnal equinox and at last I can start digging out sweaters and throws and hot cocoa :) I can see myself now, squished up on my couch w/ a cup of warm cocoa topped with marshmallows, my favorite fleece throw, hair all be-damned, and whatever the Netflix Gods have bestowed upon me. That's pure joy! I still don't know what I'm going to dress up as for Halloween though and that's sort of worrying me because all the good stuff will be sold out soon. I've gotta act fast! In addition to Halloween plans we're also making plans for my moms birthday in Vegas again this November, my upcoming "hula trip," and New Years Eve somewhere. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll end up trapped at home again this NYE due to funds and the wacky parade attendees camping out all over the city. But after the year end that I'm planning to have I don't think I'd mind all that much.


rashad said...

I am happy fall is upon us.I am unhappy that it has exposed my lack of fall clothes, which means I have to shop, which is NOT my strength.

Me said...

As long as I have the money to shop, a'shopping i will go! lol I love it.