Friday, October 23, 2009

My boy is going to homecoming...w/ a date!

Last night he came into the kitchen with me and I asked him if he wanted to go down to L.A. on Sunday (I'm going to meet my nephew's pregnant girlfriends' grandmother. Her only family since her mom passed when she was 11) and he said
"Okay... But Saturday me, Sam(antha), Anais, and Tyler need to go shopping at the mall. Can I have some money for homecoming clothes?"
I'm thinking he's asking for clams for clothes for the football game but DUH, he's asking for clothes for the dance!!! I asked him what he was thinking of wearing and if he had a date and he blushed. Guess who he's taking to the dance :) That's right, Mariiiiiiiiina. He finally showed me a picture of her on his cell phone and she's a cute girl. I don't remember her from 8th grade but apparently they've known each other since then. And she's digging my boy. She made him yet another threaded bracelet, lol. This one is a little fancier than the last one. So cute. I wont dare ask if she's his girlfriend though, because all he'll do is squeal and deny it and never tell me shit again, lol.
Anyhoo, we're both geeked but, of course, I have to hide my excitement so he won't crack and shut me out. I cannot WAIT for pictures! Oh boy!!


rashad said...

Please keep us posted!!!

trE said...

uh oh... I bet they are going to be too cute together...