Friday, January 8, 2010

I found Famous Amos

He's in Honolulu. I forgot to post this but while perusing the outdoor mall in Honolulu we passed by a curiously familiar cookie shop called "Chip and Cookie" and when I looked in the window I saw a black man in shorts, a hat, and a Hawaiian shirt who looked extremely familiar. When he disappeared into the back of the cookie shop I saw this:
When I told my mother she said that he was originally from Oahu before he moved to LA in the 70s, started Famous Amos' cookie shop in Hollywood, got big, got ripped off, lost his name to the bigger cookie dealers, and then disappeared. <----the Wally Amos story of fame, fortune, and a big ass loss
I hope he's doing well these days. Looked like he was.

1 comment:

trE said...

:( I dislike stories like this... But, Famous Amos cookies are good as hell!