For many years I've endured fair weather, hateful, catty, inconsiderate, small-minded friends and they've taken their toll on my spirit. In essence, none of them were friends. Just a bunch of folks I knew. So one by one I broke up with them, found my distance and put my dukes up, ready for the next faux friend to come my way. Then I met some halfway decent folks (PG, JS, LW...) and while they are great to me in that humanly flawed way, I still sort of have my dukes up, just in case :(
I'm becoming a little more trusting but I still have a very low tolerance for bullshit. My relationship with those who haven't quite proven themselves trustworthy remains precariously perched on the edge of doom. Anything even remotely resembling foolishness could end it all in the blink of an eye. No, I take that back. I'm still, by nature, a very giving and forgiving person so my 3 strikes rule usually stands...and expands, given whatever the circumstances are.
Anyway, I'm highly sensitive when it comes to friendship. I don't take it lightly at all. I'm a Judy Blume novel come to life and I expect my friends to be there for me the way that I'm there for them. And if they can't, well, then I don't consider them a friend and sometimes we can't even be associates.
The biggest part of being a friend is being there for someone when it doesn't suit YOU, throughout all types of weather (c) Me.
I second on all of this:
I don't take it lightly at all. I'm a Judy Blume novel come to life and I expect my friends to be there for me the way that I'm there for them. And if they can't, well, then I don't consider them a friend and sometimes we can't even be associates.
The biggest part of being a friend is being there for someone when it doesn't suit YOU, throughout all types of weather (c) Me.
And, I'm thankful to have had about 3 people in my life to truly show their definite colors leading me to 86 our dealings w/ each other. I know how you feel... Friends can break you sometimes, but the key is to cut the cord before the electrocution.
yeah, tre, it's hard and it hurts tremendously when you've tried to be a friend to someone who hasn't been and wont be a friend to you. in cases like that I'd like to be like that movie Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind :)
i'm working on it.
Dude it is so crazy that I am reading this post today, cuz this is how I feel right now. I wish there was a machine like Eternal Sunshine...however I sometimes wonder if like the movie, we are meant to meet certain people and do the same stupid mistakes/trust them when we shouldnt.
However, I think we should continue to be positive, dont get jaded, thats never fun. A good friend once told me that people think that they have lots of good friends and in reality you are lucky if you have at least just 2-3 good friends in your whole life...and dude I think that is the fact.
i wouldn't call it jaded, pat, lol. just cautious. you know how friendly i am, and i'm amped and ready to make new friends :). I'm just a whole lot more careful about it these days.
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