Not bad, Tyra.
John Utendahl is a Wall Street banker who founded the United States' largest African-American owned investment group. Utendahl, age 50, is considered to be one of the most successful African Americans on Wall Street. According to the internet, they've been dating since '07.
Brief updates on previous posts. I called “the guy who’s wooing me” and told him that we needed a break and some time to reevaluate our friendship and he disagreed with me, saying that what happened wasn’t all that serious and that I was overreacting. We argued. Then he employed that talk-over-me-so-I-can’t-be-heard technique and I hung up on him. He tried to tell me that he wasn’t calling me a liar when he said that he found it hard to believe that I hadn’t checked my text messages since 3pm. I’m not sure what kind of English he speaks but that statement right there, here in America, means you think I’m lying. He basically tried his best to convince me that I was tripping and he was an innocent victim. So he’s fallen back. We’ve spoken since then and things seem cool but I haven’t seen him since the incident. I also called the “other” guy of another race and realized that we have absolutely nothing in common, plus he lives too damn far away (in the deep OC). He’s a tax attorney who dreams of starting a heavy metal band and is drastically, stereotypically white. I couldn’t relate so there was no connection. The single dad “other” hasn’t been able to find a sitter for his two year old so that ended before it could begin.
Yesterday I got a bit of my mojo back and now I’m feeling less like a Dorothy and more like a Demi. As I was walking back to my car to put coins in the meter, a well-dressed man with a full set of teeth and no b.o. (I said all that only to add credit to his sanity, lol) stopped and paid me a compliment. He said “you are one beautiful woman,” smiled, and then went on his way. Before that a male co-worker told me that I have a nice body, before quickly changing the subject, lol. There’s nothing like a little male validation to kick that mojo into gear and remind you that you’re still fine © Erykah B.
Pretty darn smart of you to step back on "the guy who's wooing" you. I mean, you don't need any type of massive drama (I assume you don't want any) and he seems ripe for the picking when it comes to that. Good luck with everything else, lady :)
thanks, darling :)
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