A couple of weeks in and I'm ready to quit. The constant scowl on my sons face whenever I even mention dinner let's me know that he is annoyed, frustrated, and resentful of this imposition on his diet. He appeared to have a stroke when I told him that we wouldn't be ordering or buying any pizza anymore unless he was having a sleepover and I didn't want to cook. Maybe I went about this all wrong. He's scoffing at everything non-meat/dairy, except the sweet stuff. He liked the hemp ice cream at Real Food Daily but he was almost angry over his "burger". And, at $15 wasted, so was I. It's a whole song and dance we have to go through just to get him to try something "different." Quite frankly, I'm hungry too, and all of my taste buds aren't being satisfied. I don't want to change my eating habits, but I don't want heart disease or any other food-related ailment either. This is tough. I'm cutting back, that's the most I can do right now considering my long history of loving and eating meat, sweets, and other no-longer-good-for-me junk. Now, damn near everything on that little health food pyramid they gave me in fourth grade is considered bad to eat. ...Or maybe I've just been reading it upside down. lol, the inverted food pyramid.
Last night my guy friend came over and cooked for us because I couldn't even bear to think of what kind of healthy concoction to prepare this time. It was overwhelming and stressful and I just wanted it out of my hands. He was all too happy to because he got to do his laundry for free and eat as well. I have no idea what we'll eat tonight, though. This shit is a full time job - nothing out of a box, nothing out of a can (which we haven't done for years anyway, but I digress), nothing with tons of preservatives (ie, no Costco or Trader Joe's fruit or veggies), nothing loaded with fat and cholesterol (most meats and treats). So basically, I need to grow and tend my own garden and farm, and maybe get a free-range chicken or two to roam around my yard like the Mexican's down by my cousin's house in L.A. The Good life is all about good (read: tasty) eating. It sucks that I can no longer eat shrimp and lobster tails with reckless abandon. I guess I'll have to schedule a back yard fish fry/crab boil at least once a year and do it up big to get my fix. Either that or suffer eating oatmeal and Cheerios everyday to control my cholesterol :/
I just found your blog from a friend's site. I have been trying out Vegan food lately because of an experience I had at Stuff I Eat in Inglewood. That place has the best Vegan food and you won't miss the meat. I reccomend either the half Tamale Pie or the Soul Food Plate. The tacos are expensive but one will fill you up. Also they will talk to you about how they make the food so you can learn.
I also go the book Vegan Soul Kitchen and made a few recipes. I'm not totally sold on making the change completley but I think it was helpful to learn some alternatives. Good luck.
Thanks! I'll definitely try those places out. I haven't given up yet -I CAN'T give up, really - it's just super frustrating. Old habits are indeed the hardest to break. And there aren't nearly enough fast food vegan spots nearby, lol. And produce goes bad too fast :/
We're going to work it out, though. No doubt.
I don't think I could do it... I'd fail miserably after the first day :(
we had chicken legs for dinner tonight :( lol But it was the only meat I'd eaten all day :)
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