my collection of lunch pails
Main Entry: dream, verb Definition: To experience dreams or daydreams. Synonyms: daydream, fantasize, woolgather Main Entry: ponder Part of Speech: verb Definition: To think or think about carefully and at length. Synonyms: chew on, cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think over, think through, turn over, weigh
I'm so envious right now! I think I want to cop a vintage lunchbox now...
lol, i forgot to post a picture of my favorite one, too. It's a coca cola lunch box w/ a cheese sandwich and a coke on it, lol. I absolutely LOVE it when I stumble across a really unique one. Of course, there's usually a story behind each one ;) I picked up "Rosie" at the Army Museum in Honolulu and met the most unique vet while doing so. We taught my son a few things that day as well. Good memories :)
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