The UNbound book release party was this past Friday at the Atlantic Bar & Grill in
I absolutely love the stories that each woman shared in the book. I am fearless woman number 10 out of 40, page 23, which, in my opinion, is a perfect position. I was surprised when a few people at the party asked about my modeling career, since modeling for me is limited to this one book and my bedroom mirror. When I told one girl this she asked if I was planning to pursue one. I thought it was a ridiculous notion so I laughed, saying I’d have to drop a few “el-bee’s” first. She didn’t think I was funny. Later that night on our way back to my house, Keisha asked me why I hadn’t considered it and, for a few minutes, it didn’t seem like such a crazy idea. I won’t actively pursue modeling but I would consider doing more if I ever stumble on another opportunity to do so. I had a PHENOMENAL time laughing and posing on the beach for my pictures. Laughing at the absurdity of me, posing for a professional photographer on the beach for a book. It was so surreal. Now I see it was absurd of me to laugh. Why not me? :) After all, I am UNbound.
I’m in a book, yall!!!! Here are a handful of snapshots from the party.

:) I'm glad this is teaching you to unleash your inner Halle Berry... Girl, you better work, Val :)
:D Thanks, Tre. It has definitely been a learning experience and I'm so grateful for it.
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