Monday, February 14, 2011

Candy hearts, flowers, balloons, bah

A friend of mines just sent me a message complaining about the women in her office getting delivered bouquets of flowers. She jokingly asked me to send her one so she could pretend that an admirer sent it to her. This sort of thing confuses me as a woman. Am I broken? Do I not have enough estrogen? Have I had so many Vday dates in my lifetime that I’m now immune to the delights of candy and flowers? What is so novel about getting a bunch of balloons and/or flowers and a card on Valentines Day? It’s nice to know that someone cares about you but does it mean more to you if their affection is shown on February 14th? Is romance simply a bunch of balloons and/or flowers and a card on Vday? Surely, it’s more than that. Or am I defective? I know that I am loved. It helps me sleep well at night, lol. And the people that I love in return will get giant Ghiradelli chocolate chip cupcakes this evening, if I get around to it. And even if I don’t get around to it, they’ll still know I love them and we’ll all be alright. We don’t need no stinking cupcakes or flowers or expensive gifts on February 14th to prove it. We prove it when it matters the most – all year long, when nobody’s looking, when everybody’s looking, when it’s least expected, and when it’s needed most. It comes as second nature, not because of a calendar reminder. Our love kicks into gear right on time and not on schedule. Our love isn’t novel. Isn't that how it should be?

I couldn't go to preschool in the morning until this song was played. I was a stubborn little girl. And my parents played it for me every morning.

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