Your suspicions are correct; I haven’t felt like blogging much lately. Life is still going on over here, I’m just not all that anxious to write about it. Nevertheless, here’s how I’m feeling today:
I think I want a valentine this year. Not for gifts that money can buy. Just for time and affection. I want to do the things that lovers do... for a spell. Some of my girlfriends do too. So a handful of us will be attending a wine tasting singles soiree soon. I’m hoping that something interesting comes of it, other than me learning to taste wine, which I have no real interest in. All I know about wine tasting is that you are supposed to spit, not swallow J I'm not really a fan of alcohol. I’m mostly looking forward to getting dolled up and hanging out with my girls that night. If nothing else, that should be fun. I’m keeping my expectations at a minimum, as usual. It’s better to be open to a pleasant surprise than to go in expecting one. The venue is beautiful and they serve white chocolate Godiva martini’s, which sounds delicious and sophisticated. Two of my favorite adjectives. Something tells me that wine tasting singles soiree’s in Los Angeles aren't likely to be frequented by men that I have the most in common with, though. But here’s to hoping I get lucky!

Oh, as a bonus, I can add wine tasting to my list of life experiences.
Wine is beautiful...that is all. Good luck to you!
Thanks. I hope it's good. I'm kind of siced about it.
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