I am extremely fascinated by this house. It literally sits on a rock. A 10 bedroom, 103 year old mansion in the middle of the Narragansett Bay sitting on a rock. It looks like something out of a Harry Potter movie, completely majestic and unreal. But it's real. I mean, I consider the New York Times Home and Garden section a trustworthy source and they did a piece on it: http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2008/08/07/garden/20080807-CLINGSTONE_index.html

It took 36,000+ to build yet sold for $3,600. I wonder why. My guess is that the family that owned it didn't want the hassle of keeping it up. Plus, from earlier sketches of it, it appears that the rock on which it is sitting is eroding. But how did it last for 103 years!? Amazing. It looks so homey and cozy but I think I'd be afraid to sleep in it for worrying about being swallowed up by the ocean, or simply sliding into the bay, lol. Or what about it being hit by a large boat! It's in the middle of the water so that is possible, right? Or does it act as a lighthouse. Amazing! I would absolutely LOVE to visit this place and just sit and watch the water, the boats going by, listen to the seagulls. 

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