Mr. Ed Choppers sent me a very disgusted instant message today, upset that the guy she's dating was seen hanging out with his ex girlfriend this past weekend. She told me that she decided to hop on Facespace and miraculously stumbled upon a picture of this "fugly" /fucking ugly girl and she has NO idea what he saw/see's in her. Because she's a "hag" and "fugly as hell." Homegirl was insulted and shit. So she emailed me the picture she'd found of this girl:
From: Choppers, Mr. Ed
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 11:31 AM
To: Scout
Subject: It’s the one with the black hair = UGLY HEFFA LOL!!!

Now, here's a picture of Mr. EC from last summers company picnic:
Uncanny resemblance, right? I thought so, and laughed heartily at my desk. I replied "I see he's a fan of dark hair." Snnnk! How can she not see this? I wish I had a picture of her facing the camera, they look like they could be sisters.
1 comment:
I'm sitting here still waiting to see the ugly in the female he's currently messing with... Someone's hurt... *shakes head*
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