Enjoying the city and what it has to offer (my breakfast was so good, I forgot to take a picture before I finished it. My pancakes covered the entire plate :) )

Getting our tootsies pampered for the daylong trek through the Gaslamp Quarter
While shopping we break for chocolate.
Then we hit the beach

This was Saturday. The remaing pictures from Saturday will be uploaded to Photobucket, as usual. Sunday's pics will be added later. Thanks for reading.
I'm super duper jealous... LOL... You look like you had so much fun, that chocolate and other food items shown looks delicious too... *rubs belly*
Don't be. It was hard for me to relax that day since it was only my first day of vacation and I was still trying to get used to the idea of being off for a week. I had trouble parting with my watch and convincing myself that I needn't worry about time :(. The last time I felt like that was 15 years ago when I went on maternity leave. That feeling that you have to rush everywhere sucks. It was nice to be out that day though :)
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