Many of them, not all.Just the ones that sound good to me or reflect a wish I’d like to come true. “All decisions you make today will be most fortunate” reads one. “You stand in your own light, make it shine” says another. “No problem leaves you where you found it”... “A peaceful mind generates power” and so on. The very computer that I am typing this post up on is framed with fortunes from cookies I have consumed over the past four years or so. If I open a cookie and do not like the fortune, I don’t eat the cookie, lol. I’m slightly superstitious J and weird that way. Okay, that’s a lie; I’m pretty damn superstitious, lol. I don’t walk under ladders, I say “bread and butter” whenever someone says the same thing as me, simultaneously (picked that one up as a kid one summer in STL), I say my prayers every night before falling asleep (“…if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take…”), and I believe that the energy you put out into the world will find its way back to you. What goes around comes around. It’s somewhat of a religious obsession. Perhaps a silly one but who’s it hurting? Right, so no harm no foul. Although some of it is precautionary. Like washing my hands regularly or locking my car doors when I get in to go somewhere, or holding my purse zipped and close to me to ward off theft. Does any of this ring familiar with you or do you just go with the flow of life without a second thought of what may come? Better to attempt to be safe, than to end up sorry, right? But I’m just babbling. Bah.
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