But the weekend overall was pretty nice. The fellas worked super hard on the yard and discovered that quite a few animals had made my backyard their home :/ Namely a huge yellow and brown lizard allegedly the size of a "small dinosaur!" (c) Miles, or "an iguana" (c) Reg, that they nicknamed Burt. They said that when they uncovered Burt, he/she poked his/her head out from beneath a pile of dead leaves and then sashayed out like "TA DA!" lol. They initially thought it was a snake, at about 2.5 inches wide and 15 inches long, and was ready to chop its head off. Then, as they continued to rustle the leaves, a school of "little Burts" scurried about, and Big Burt made its way behind the garage. Now, Burt I'm cool with because I figure Burt and the lil ones are the reason we no longer have a cricket infestation in the backyard. But then they found what looked to be like a rats nest behind the house :( Of course, I just about died when given this news. Thankfully, they cleared everything out, mowed the lawns front to back, pulled weeds, trimmed hedges and dug up vegetation on the side of the house so that I could lay down the three bags of red rock I bought. But I won't be laying down the rock until I chlorinate that area and kill it off. Oh, and they also found a mysterious piece of shit, lol. Literally, a huge piece of shit that some animal left back there. They think it's too large to have come from one of the neighborhood cats so they're guessing it's either possum poop or dog poop. I doubt it's dog poop, but whatever. My son picked it up with his glove and tossed it in the trash.
Anyway, it's such a wonderful feeling having the house cleaned inside and out.
The hostess of the naughty girl party wasn't very knowledgeable about the products she was selling. She wasn't sure what the second ring on the cock ring was for (until I told her it was for the scrotum, after which she gave me a smiling thumbs up), she called talc "talic powder" and she passed on introducing a few products because she admitted to having no idea what they were for/did. Regardless, everything was grossly overpriced and nothing was available to purchase on the spot. She wanted us to order items and then pay for shipping and handling so I passed, figuring I could get better deals online. The set up was nice and the food and drinks that my friend prepared were great. Halfway through the show, though, I found myself nodding off and thought she must be boring me to sleep. But then I looked at my watch and realized she had been talking for 3 hours! And the stripper hadn't shown up. So I asked my friend, who's house this was taking place at, if there'd still be entertainment and she told me that he said he wasn't going to come until after he went on stage at the club he works at. Not willing to sit around and wait any longer, that was my cue to skidaddle. I texted Reg to call me so that I could come up with an excuse to leave and then we were out. My arms, wrist and hands were full of lickable powders, potions, lotions and creams so I couldn't wait to hit the shower.
Other than that, I bought a nifty new cellphone, a bag full of delicious candles from Ikea (only 1.99 for those puppies!! Get you some, you'll love 'em), working on getting a kitchen estimate for a new kitchen (!!!), spent time with my loved ones, helped a friend out with a huge dilemma, and I got my hair done. This weekend rates 4 out of 5 stars :)
A handful pics from the party

That first picture needs a explanation..a thorough one at that...
haha, she was demonstrating how to use a cockring with a bullet. There was a dildo under there, lol. One of the guests couldn't figure out how she would enjoy the ring/bullet on her guy so the girl in the picture showed her. I snapped my camera a bit too late because she was doing much more than that :)
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