Just put on my pajama's as a matter of fact, lol. I'm typing this entry now, while it's still fresh in my head. Okay, so, after a little convincing from my mom and cousin, I decided to wear my trusty pink dress. Now this dress knocks em DEAD, no lie. It gives me curves I didn't even know I had and every single time I wear it, I get loads of compliments and stares.
Anyway, so I rushed home from work and into the house to shower and get ready, when my cell phone rings. It's only 4:45. Our date is at 7. Why is he calling me? To make sure I'm still coming
I tell him that I am and that I'll see him at 7. Then I asked him if he'd made a reservation. Doh! he hadn't and he sounded embarrassed about it. But I had, anticipating such a mishap. No worries. I hung up and finished getting dolled up.
I got there early so that I could see him walk in, check out his gear and ass and all that. Long story short, he was late but eventually found the place. And after talking my ear off last night on the phone, he was remarkably silent at the table.
When he arrived, I stood up to greet him and he looked me up and down, smiling like a cheshire cat (that pink dress is KILLER). I hugged him and then sat back down.
So then the ghetto came out. Ugh. He's lacking on class and kept the little waiters running around. allegedly to earn their tip :/
Okay, so then my moment came - it was time to order. He kept hinting about the Dragon Rice with scallops but nah, son. I did not drive all the way to Beverly Hills for no rice and baby scallops. I'd asked him if he'd been there before and he said no, but that he'd looked up the menu online. Okay, bet! that let me know that HE knew that place wasn't cheap, and that anything on the menu was okay, right? nothing off limits.
Wrong. He was playing games but I wasn't, lol. I ordered the lobster, which was the same price as the Dungeness crab - $45. I guess he was hoping I would order something cheaper. He shouldn't have chosen that restaurant then. There was no way I was ordering some old run of the mill scallops at a place like that. Sorry. When our food came, I asked him if he wanted to try mines and he did. But I got the sneaking suspicion that he was a little salty over me ordering that, lmao. He commented twice, on some "I hope you enjoyed that lobster," or "they aint playing with that lobster, are they?"
Nope! I ate it with a smile. Dude, you're 45, surely you've been on a few dates and know how this shit works by now. It's not like I didn't give him an out with the other restaurant suggestions.
ANYWHOOO, during the course of our conversation I learned that he didn't know what euthanized meant and he didn't know how to pay a dinner bill.
"Do we get up and go pay it up front or what?"
Um, no. You sit your ass there, ask the waiter for the bill, slip your card in the little slot at the top, and add the tip when they bring you the receipt. I really had to show him where to put his credit card. And he included his ID. Now maybe it's just me, but I thought that was strange. I have never included my ID. But whatever.
Oh, and when he was lost trying to find the restaurant he called me asking me how to get there so I had one of the waiters attempt to give him directions. Well, when the sweet latino waiter gave me the phone back my date goes "Don't worry about it. I'll find it. Dude can't even TALK English so he can't help me."
Is this too much? Am I being a snob? I smiled all night tho and i tried to make small talk but his eyes were either fixated on my cleavage, or trying hard not to be. I could tell, lol. It was so obvious. But I was easy like Sunday morning at that point because I'd begun eating my delicious lobster (I shoulda got the crab tho).
Dude is alright in my book. He loved The Dress and I know he was checking out my ass every time I walked ahead of him. No prob. That's why I wore that mug. Check it oooout!
So then we left, he walked me to my car, I hugged him and kissed his cheek and then I warmed up my car while he left to his, which was across the street. I had parked on a dental office lot down the alley a little ways so I couldn't see him on the street. That is, until 10 minutes later when I pulled out of the alley. he should've been LONG gone but he was sitting there, lit up like a Christmas tree in that Mercedes. Headlights on, light on inside the car so I could see him, engine running. Yeah, alright. So I went home with my doggy bag of viddles feeling like a million bucks. The Verdict: he is definitely not The One, but he'll do for now. He didn't come remotely close to sweeping me off my feet with his lack of conversation and rude demeanor towards the wait staff. Plus, he could've at least played it cool when I ordered the lobster. What the hell was he expecting? I told him we could go to Red Lobster. haha.
Anyway, so I rushed home from work and into the house to shower and get ready, when my cell phone rings. It's only 4:45. Our date is at 7. Why is he calling me? To make sure I'm still coming
I got there early so that I could see him walk in, check out his gear and ass and all that. Long story short, he was late but eventually found the place. And after talking my ear off last night on the phone, he was remarkably silent at the table.
When he arrived, I stood up to greet him and he looked me up and down, smiling like a cheshire cat (that pink dress is KILLER). I hugged him and then sat back down.
So then the ghetto came out. Ugh. He's lacking on class and kept the little waiters running around. allegedly to earn their tip :/
Okay, so then my moment came - it was time to order. He kept hinting about the Dragon Rice with scallops but nah, son. I did not drive all the way to Beverly Hills for no rice and baby scallops. I'd asked him if he'd been there before and he said no, but that he'd looked up the menu online. Okay, bet! that let me know that HE knew that place wasn't cheap, and that anything on the menu was okay, right? nothing off limits.
Wrong. He was playing games but I wasn't, lol. I ordered the lobster, which was the same price as the Dungeness crab - $45. I guess he was hoping I would order something cheaper. He shouldn't have chosen that restaurant then. There was no way I was ordering some old run of the mill scallops at a place like that. Sorry. When our food came, I asked him if he wanted to try mines and he did. But I got the sneaking suspicion that he was a little salty over me ordering that, lmao. He commented twice, on some "I hope you enjoyed that lobster," or "they aint playing with that lobster, are they?"
Nope! I ate it with a smile. Dude, you're 45, surely you've been on a few dates and know how this shit works by now. It's not like I didn't give him an out with the other restaurant suggestions.
ANYWHOOO, during the course of our conversation I learned that he didn't know what euthanized meant and he didn't know how to pay a dinner bill.
"Do we get up and go pay it up front or what?"
Um, no. You sit your ass there, ask the waiter for the bill, slip your card in the little slot at the top, and add the tip when they bring you the receipt. I really had to show him where to put his credit card. And he included his ID. Now maybe it's just me, but I thought that was strange. I have never included my ID. But whatever.
Oh, and when he was lost trying to find the restaurant he called me asking me how to get there so I had one of the waiters attempt to give him directions. Well, when the sweet latino waiter gave me the phone back my date goes "Don't worry about it. I'll find it. Dude can't even TALK English so he can't help me."
Dude is alright in my book. He loved The Dress and I know he was checking out my ass every time I walked ahead of him. No prob. That's why I wore that mug. Check it oooout!
So did he compliment you on the dress? This date doesn't sound too bad, but it'll be interesting to see what he does for an encore
Yeah, he complimented me, lol...but it's over already. First date, last date. And I'll explain why in a separate post.
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