The frog contacted me last Thursday. I resuscitated him momentarily. He has some showing and proving to do and I aim to allow him to do it. Were it not for his sex appeal I'd have pissed on his grave and not skipped a beat. (what an awful image, lol)
Anyway, at least I'm no longer as smitten as I was. I think I have a better handle on the situation now. We'll see!
My house is a wreck. I need to clean it and meditate or something, regroup. Feng Shui the hell out of it.
LOL @ "Feng Shui the hell out of it." At my job, we're barely given snow days... Last Friday was the first snow-day we were able to take and that was only b/c my boss was sick... I'm so sick and tired of snow right now... Ugh! Hope you're able to clean up your pad, lady... :)
I've been on a cleaning frenzy! It's so cathartic, I just love looking around at my handiwork and lighting scented candles and RELAXING.
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