Friday, February 19, 2010


I'm in a great mood. Partly because it's Friday (yay!), but mostly because everything about my life is great right now :) This is what being is your 30s is all about! Finally! I have so much hope for the future. I still want my "Essence Atkins wedding" and a couple more kids, and a picket fence, and a dog, and more barbecue's in the backyard (by a pool, preferably), and romantic travel with just me and my boo (when I figure out who he is), and to check off all the things on my Bucket List before I kick The Bucket. I can feel change in the air. Things are looking up!
Happy Friday!!


rashad said...

Nice to see you in a great move Ms Scout..all you need now is a sip of good wine!

trE said...

I want all of those things for you and more! I hope you get them... Thank goodness for the weekend!

Me said...

Thanks you guys :) Yall are the best.