Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sobering Mood

Well, I kicked ass in volleyball Tuesday night. I was the tallest player in a gym full of Asians and one white girl. They were aggressive as hell, though but I still managed to do okay. Better than okay :) That was the bright spot in my week. Now about the bullshit...

Men *spits. I'm so tired of kissing frogs I could just croak! The last great relationship I had began with me not liking him. I treated him prettttty badly, yet he loved me. Loved my dirty drawls, even. Everyone was badgering me like "You're tripping. You should get with *****" and I was like "Right. Whatever. Uh-huh." But then I got to thinking, what if I gave him a try? So I did one day and he was Happppppy. Man, was he geeked. So I was geeked, and started to treat him like a human being for once, all nice and sweet and accommodating. Until one day he sat me down and told me he'd rather I go back to the way I was before (read: bitch). Puzzled, and a little bit miffed, I did as he requested...sort of. Anyway, fast forward to our break up years later and this fucker has the nerve to say to me "Man! I shouldn't have EVER told you to stop being nice to me. What was I thinking!?"
W.T.F? MEN! *hocks loogey.
So the latest frog has been M.I.A. for 3 days now. Just *POOF! I thought things were going great. Last correspondence was cutesy and flirty and sweet and all up in my business. Now? Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. I checked the morgue, checked the jails, checked the hospitals, checked Twitter...and voila, there he was, tweeting as if I never existed :( I have no idea what happened. I sent him a "hey, you still alive?" email and he has yet to confirm. And they say women are fickle. psht! I want to stab him in the hand w/ an unfolded paperclip but...this too shall pass.
If I don't hear a peep by Monday, he's dead to me.

He's dead to me.


rashad said...

Maybe this latest frog looked at the calendar, realized it Valentine's Day was near, and proceeded to fall back..that is odd though. That happened to me once, and I later found out that the woman went back to her ex, but didn't have the stones to tell me.

She's now 7 months pregnant and the father of the child bailed. who's the winner? I am!!!

Me said...

:) You know, now that you mention it, I think I may have dodged a bullet. I lowered my standards for a pretty face but he damn sure wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box. And what's worse, he thought he was smart. I knew that but I chose to overlook it. I think karma may have saved me from myself. Thanks for helping me realize this :)