And he chose suggestion #1, the most expensive joint! Then he tried to test me, lol. He texted back "The (insert name of most expensive joint here) sounds good. But isn't that a little far from you?"
To which your girl replied: "Not really. It's about 25 minutes from my job. But so is expensive joint #3. Semi-expensive joint is 15 minutes away. But I'm okay with any of them. My goal is to see you."
And he replied: "Good answer! I'm liking you more and more."
:) Looks like my game is coming back... and it seems to be on full tilt at the moment. HA! But I like dude. Like I said before, he IS a breath of fresh air, especially after all the shit I've seen and met since being single.
However, last night while talking to him I realized that he is a tad cocky and tells ALL of his business, which is cool because it'll keep my heart from melting and I'll remain on track with what matters most in my life. Us women tend to lose focus when we're twitterpated (if you haven't seen Bambi you won't get this reference. Sorry).
I'm looking forward to our date and getting to know him better. He seems like just what I need for the moment and I think he feels the exact same way. We both seem to be on the same page and that's really cool.
Oh, and I was all amped to give him brownie points for the restaurant selection until he alluded to how much he makes. He's not hurting at all, so this meal won't even be a smudge on his wallet. But it still counts though! hahaha! No really, he didn't have to take me to this particular restaurant so I'm going with the assumption that he thinks I'm worth the expense and is really digging me. (this place is like $45/plate) And who would be mad at that? :)
Shame on you for throwing Red Lobsters in there..Would you have judged him for taking you to the other two spots?
heheheh. of course, i'm judging him. but i wouldn't have thought little of him for taking me to any of those spots, including red lofsters. it just would have told me 1.) where his pockets might be, 2.) where his head is, 3.) what he thinks of me, and 4.) and how much class he has ;)
I mean, lets be real. Many of us, myself included, eat at the lofters. But we're not taking a first date there to impress. Personally, MY pockets and style/agenda would have dictated that we go to the semi expensive joint. But it aint tricking if you got it, right? :P
Ahh, I love when you date a man and he doesn't even flinch about the cost of the items on the menu... That there is pure heaven... Plus, I like to pick up the tab sometimes myself, so I wouldn't flinch either, but damn @ $45.00 per plate. LOL... I'd be looking forward to that date as well... :)
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