1. Naps – I take the best power naps in my car at lunch time. It’s like a quiet, warm little cocoon and probably just what it felt like being in the womb before birth. I bought a pink airplane-sized pillow for the occasion, which helps me fall asleep quickly and effortlessly. My work power naps last no more than 40 minutes, sometimes a little less, and they give me a boost of energy to finish out my day at full steam. They’re grrrrrreat! © Tony the Tiger
2. Boy shorts – wearing them feels like sitting on a cloud, they’re akin to going commando, only better. Smooth seams so no panty line, and no elastic bands to cut into your legs like bikini’s or granny panties. And nothing sticking up your nasty ass booty collecting all manner of bacteria and grossness like an uncomfortable thong. Yuck. Plus, the right pair will give you lift in the derriere J
3. A pen and paper – I write to-do lists religiously and derive great joy from ticking off completed items. It’s cathartic, I feel super productive, like my life is moving forward and my goals are being attained. I’m getting stuff done and in the process I’m gaining peace of mind. My thoughts are constantly shifting so writing them down helps me to keep up with them. Don’t want to lose any good ideas ;)
4. Lipgloss – better than lipstick, which often leaves your lips feeling dry and chapped, lipgloss adds shine, it magnifies and enhances the mouth while moisturizing your situation © Puffy , so whenever you talk your lips move fluidly without sticking (unless youre using MAC lipglass. That shits like Elmers) and feel protected from the elements, lightly wrapped in buttery smoothness
5. Music – It moves you. Feeling sluggish and got work to do? Turn up the tunes and get your chores done while dancing around. Music inspires you, it wakes you up to get off your duff and be productive. It gets the mental juices flowing as well as amps up the body for some light cardio. Wiggle and dip while youre washing the dishes.
6. My son – he spent part of his spring break (Thursday through Sunday) at his friends’ house and I missed him terribly. I had no one to cook for so I ate a pb&j or something microwavable. I had no one to watch my Netflix with, and at night I closed my bedroom door tight and pushed my dress form in front of it just in case someone broke in while I was alone.
7. My mom – they cut the cord many, many moons ago but I’m still very much connected to her. I talk to mi madre at least once a day, but usually more. She is my parachute, my emergency get out of jail free card, my confidant and sounding board, my advisor, my security blanket, and my biggest cheerleader. How on earth could I make it without all that?? I couldn’t, I’d be lost.
8. My privacy – There are days when I’d like to do nothing more than be human. That means my guard is down, my legs might be unshaven, my hair is topsy turvy, and you might find me on the couch scratching myself while eating lying down. Basically, all the stuff us human beings do when nobody’s watching and judging us.
9. My clan – As much as they annoy me at times, it’s good to know that they are mine and I am theirs. We’re stuck like glue; we’re obligated to get on each others nerves, to love each other, and to socialize on birthdays and holidays. We are never an island. We’re a village.
10. Indoor plumbing – need I say more?
11. My toothbrush – I gotta have it. I’d lose my mind walking around with yuck mouth. No, really. ...Perhaps I’ve already lost a bit of it considering how passionate I am about my toothbrush, L
12. A comfy pair of pajamas – I’m obsessed with them.
And that’s 12! It took me forever to compile this list, lol …but I’m glad I did.